I am pretty much bored right now cuz Sarra's out with Mr Turtle and everyone else is.. missing. Ahahaha so here I am, at home.. Online.. Watching TV. Gila takde life. But it's okay yaw. Tomorrow I will have a life! Going out with The Ginas to play pooool! I suck at pool, seriously. But it's fun. Hahahaha but I beat Dila at it the other day! Woot woot! *menyorok dari Dila*
So was browsing through Facebook, then I saw this super cool survey! Okay la takde la cool mana but since I'm bored kan, so everything is cool to me. Even counting ants is cool to me. But kalau kena marah with mommy tak cool la kan. So yea, here's the survey! I'm giving you an early warning, saya gila. So the survey might be a little bit merepek yer. I'm supposed to tag 25 people, but mana boleh tag kat sini kan, so yea.. Enjoy ;)
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
1. I am a pessimist. I know it's not good but yea, I cannot see any brightside of anything. Unless if the thing doesn't involve me. Then pandai la sikit jadi optimist ;)
2. I will forever love Sarra to death cuz she has always been there for me through good times and bad. Thanks babe! Walaupun sometimes kau bangang and laugh to almost everything that I say even when I was being serious, it's cool yaw.
3. I love unicorns and rainbows and sunshine and whatever. A bit childish, yea I know. But whatever la aku suka.
4. I hate hate hate hate hate liars. I can't stand them.
5. Music is my life. Can't live without it.
6. If I don't get married by the age of 30, I'm gonna buy a house and live there with 27 cats. Why 27 cats? I don't know. Ahahahahaha!
7. I've always wanted to be a nigga. I think they're cool. Sometimes I purposely go out in the sun just to get a bit gelap kan, but failed to succeed thanks to kulit saya yang tak reti reti ikut arahan suruh hitam sikit. I'd be red for a few hours and that's it. Thanks, kulit!
8. I am in love with shoes and bags and dresses :D Tetapi malangnya duit tak mengizinkan untuk beli.
9. I'm addicted to spicy food. I SUPER LOVE SPICY FOOD!
10. Everyday after work, I'd come back with ink stains on my hands. I don't know why.
11. Sarra is not fat.
12. Haizat is Mr Turtle.
13. Muzlifah is cantik.
14. At this point, I don't know what else to say.
15. Oh oh oh here's a weird fact about me. I tend to look at people's nose. Hahahahahahahaha! Like Sarra, she goes for eyes. But I go for nose. Cacat kan, I know. Hahahahahahahahaha!
16. I like to go dancing with my friends. Hahahahahaha okay.
17. I love love love love love food! I eat a lot but I never gain weight.
18. Sometimes I talk on the phone when I'm peeing.
19. I don't like people taking pictures of me. I mean.. It's okay if there's another person in the picture. Hahahahahahahahahaha I'm camera shy *buat muka malu tunduk tunduk cover dgn rambut*
20. I love physical pain. I know this sounds crazy but physical pain is G to the O to the O to the D! Last time lepas kena rotan, I'd count all the bekas kena rotan and pity myself.
21. I don't like to sit down. I prefer standing. Ahahahahahaha! I'm a very hyper person okay, I need to do something all the time!
22. I love money. But then again, who doesn't?
23. I am in love with BMW cars. Except for X6. I think it's fugly.
24. I'm a stalker, seriously and I'm proud to be one!
25. I love all of my friends :) Ahahaha nampak sangat dah tak tahu apa nak cakap kan! But it's true. I love all of my friends. Heeee :)
There you go. I'm bored. And I kinda smell like Haizat now. He and Sarra dropped by just now to do the thaaang that we do best. This is not good! No more huggie! I wanna smell like Sarra! I want! I want! I want!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Hello, world!
I am blogging. Call me corny, people! Hahahaha well, I used to blog a long long time ago. Zaman sekolah, I think. Or after also got but tak ingat, ahahahahaha! But hey, it's okay right? Hehehehe.. Anyways, a lot og things happened for the past few weeks. Good and bad. Heh. Hopefully this is NOT gonna be an emo blog or anything. Jyeah! I talk about random things, so bear with it. Hahahahahahaha!
Life is complicate, life is hard. But somehow I managed to get through every single obstacles. Hahaha thanks to my friends, especially Sarra. Always there to layan my kerenah kerenah tak betul yang boleh membuatkan seseorang itu terjun bangunan. But Sarra's still alive, so yea, hehehehe..
I miss Nona. Can't wait for her to come back. She's coming back in March, wee wee wee wee wee! Nona is my neighbour, by the way. The last time she came back, we hung out at her house at night almost every night! Hahaha it was fun bitching to her about stuffs. She's awesome, hehehe.
Relationship sucks ass. I wouldn't wanna be in a relationship anytime soon. What's the point of being in a relationship? I mean, it's all about heartbreak, heartache, lying, cheating, sneaking around, bla bla bla. Bottom line, relationship is a no no. Ngeh~
It's weird how people can change their minds just like that. It's like one minute you want this thing, and the next you don't want it anymore. I'm annoyed with people who do things and never think about the consequences. Unlike me, I don't think about the consequences but I know whenever I have to face it, I'd be ready for it. It's something that you have to deal with everytime you do something, kan. So even if you ignore it or keep it aside, sooner or later you're gonna have to deal with it anyways, so baik deal with it sekarang. KAN?!
Can't wait to go to hang out with the girls this weekend! Surprisingly, we are so damn close now. I think it's becuz all of us are single now, hehehehe! Well, most of us, that is. Sarra has Haizat, Muz has Masyo. I have.. Farah, Izyan, Sarah, Mei Ann, Putri.. Wahahaha damn it yaw I'm a playa! Well, I'm enjoying this while it last ;)
41 is performing in Singapore tomorrow night. Awesome!
I want a new cat! My cat died about.. a month ago I think. Dah la chomel gila. Manja gila. Horny gila. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Tabby I miss you :(

Life is complicate, life is hard. But somehow I managed to get through every single obstacles. Hahaha thanks to my friends, especially Sarra. Always there to layan my kerenah kerenah tak betul yang boleh membuatkan seseorang itu terjun bangunan. But Sarra's still alive, so yea, hehehehe..
I miss Nona. Can't wait for her to come back. She's coming back in March, wee wee wee wee wee! Nona is my neighbour, by the way. The last time she came back, we hung out at her house at night almost every night! Hahaha it was fun bitching to her about stuffs. She's awesome, hehehe.
Relationship sucks ass. I wouldn't wanna be in a relationship anytime soon. What's the point of being in a relationship? I mean, it's all about heartbreak, heartache, lying, cheating, sneaking around, bla bla bla. Bottom line, relationship is a no no. Ngeh~
It's weird how people can change their minds just like that. It's like one minute you want this thing, and the next you don't want it anymore. I'm annoyed with people who do things and never think about the consequences. Unlike me, I don't think about the consequences but I know whenever I have to face it, I'd be ready for it. It's something that you have to deal with everytime you do something, kan. So even if you ignore it or keep it aside, sooner or later you're gonna have to deal with it anyways, so baik deal with it sekarang. KAN?!
Can't wait to go to hang out with the girls this weekend! Surprisingly, we are so damn close now. I think it's becuz all of us are single now, hehehehe! Well, most of us, that is. Sarra has Haizat, Muz has Masyo. I have.. Farah, Izyan, Sarah, Mei Ann, Putri.. Wahahaha damn it yaw I'm a playa! Well, I'm enjoying this while it last ;)
41 is performing in Singapore tomorrow night. Awesome!
I want a new cat! My cat died about.. a month ago I think. Dah la chomel gila. Manja gila. Horny gila. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Tabby I miss you :(
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