Life is complicate, life is hard. But somehow I managed to get through every single obstacles. Hahaha thanks to my friends, especially Sarra. Always there to layan my kerenah kerenah tak betul yang boleh membuatkan seseorang itu terjun bangunan. But Sarra's still alive, so yea, hehehehe..
I miss Nona. Can't wait for her to come back. She's coming back in March, wee wee wee wee wee! Nona is my neighbour, by the way. The last time she came back, we hung out at her house at night almost every night! Hahaha it was fun bitching to her about stuffs. She's awesome, hehehe.
Relationship sucks ass. I wouldn't wanna be in a relationship anytime soon. What's the point of being in a relationship? I mean, it's all about heartbreak, heartache, lying, cheating, sneaking around, bla bla bla. Bottom line, relationship is a no no. Ngeh~
It's weird how people can change their minds just like that. It's like one minute you want this thing, and the next you don't want it anymore. I'm annoyed with people who do things and never think about the consequences. Unlike me, I don't think about the consequences but I know whenever I have to face it, I'd be ready for it. It's something that you have to deal with everytime you do something, kan. So even if you ignore it or keep it aside, sooner or later you're gonna have to deal with it anyways, so baik deal with it sekarang. KAN?!
Can't wait to go to hang out with the girls this weekend! Surprisingly, we are so damn close now. I think it's becuz all of us are single now, hehehehe! Well, most of us, that is. Sarra has Haizat, Muz has Masyo. I have.. Farah, Izyan, Sarah, Mei Ann, Putri.. Wahahaha damn it yaw I'm a playa! Well, I'm enjoying this while it last ;)
41 is performing in Singapore tomorrow night. Awesome!
I want a new cat! My cat died about.. a month ago I think. Dah la chomel gila. Manja gila. Horny gila. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Tabby I miss you :(
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