Sunday, November 8, 2009

Time After Time

Blogs are for writing down your thoughts right? Same goes for Twitter or your status on Facebook. I think. But sometimes I feel guilty for updating too much status. Hahahaha. I is have the many the things to on my mind the.

When is Amir coming back? Why is 2 weeks a long time?

Why is Amir still asleep? It's supposed to be 0922 there.

I am watching Grey's Anatomy and I'm sleepy but I don't wanna sleep yet.

I am so lazy to go to work tomorrow.

Why is the sky blue?

Why are the people in my department so judgy and boring?

What do the people in my department do for fun?

How the hell am I gonna survive with no money?

I am hungry again.

I love Amir. I miss Amir. I wanna see Amir.

Okay, I'm going to sleep now.


  1. its ok, he'll come back soon. ehehehe nikah jer la korang ni. :p habis citer.

  2. hehehehe.. saja menggedik sekejap. rinduuuuu!
