Call me childish, I don't care but I WANT TO GO TO DISNEY ON ICE! shit la the ticket is so damn expensive! It used to be RM100, and can get good seats pun. This time, the RM58 ticket is so far back, and the RM128 ticket mcm.. tak best. Damnson I wanna go! How I wish I have money now I wanna buy the tickeeeeeeeeet! I don't mind going alone pun since none of my friends are interested in this kinda thing. Boo! Sarra might be interested, but I doubt she wants to go la. Sigh sigh sigh.. Hidup tanpa boyfriend sucks when it comes to this kinda things.
Dulu, about a few months back ada Beauty and the Beast punya ice play. Sheeeeeit! But I didn't go cuz I was broke! Damnit sayang gila I'm sure the play was super awesome. Aaaaa okay I don't wanna think about it. Sigh sigh sigh.. I like Disney on Ice. Best gila and the shows always give me goosebumps. Those people are so hebat la. But I also like it cuz it makes me feel like a kid again. Sigh, how I wish I can turn back time. Things were much easier back then. Nothing to worry about. All we did was play play play. Aaaaaa best nyaaaa~
I missed the times when we were working in Italiannies. Worked there when I was 18 with Muz, Sarra, Ain.. siapa ntah lagi tak ingat. But it was so damn fun! Basically we stood for 8 hours. And we actually had fun! Ahahaha I think all the SPGs semua suka la tayang muka depan Italiannies sambil gossip gossip. Hahahahaha! Man, it was fun. Fatin even joined us for a week for Chinese New Year. Had a lot of fun there. Sigh sigh.. BEST GILA NAK KERJA SANA LAGI! But now dah tak best. Ramai yang dah takde and the managers all got transfered here and there dah. Oh fuck.. Which reminds me.. ALL THE GAMBAR GAMBAR MASA KERJA DAH TAKDE CUZ MY PC KENA FORMAT FUCCCCCCCCCCCK!!!
I'm bored so I feel like uploading pictures.

Okay dah penat and now I'm waiting for Siti ntah ke mana minah nie gie. I WANT MY KFC! So hungry already :( waaaaaaaaaaaaa! Bored bored bored. Hungry hungry hungry.

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