It's raining.. AGAIN. Please please please tamau jam! Tapi confirm la jam kan today's Friday! Man, it's a good time to sleep. Tapi boss baru masuk department. Bosan betul la. Can someone please tell him to go back and sleep? Asyik tengok muka dia jer setiap hari. Boooooooring!
Tonight's Zahier's birthday party. Going with Joe. Tatau la what time we're going. But I'm so tired~ Maybe lepas kerja today nak lepak. KOT. I think so. Cuz it's Friday, so kalau balik awal sure jam kan. Hmmmm canne haaaaaaa..
I read Izmir's blog tadi. It's kinda cool. Lots of quotes and poetry. He wrote most of them, I think. One of the nicest blog I've ever read la. *bangga la tuh, Izmir*
I'm BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORED! Nak buat apa ha? Dah penat ah jalan jalan. Hmm hmm hmm hmm.. 45 more minutes!
Kenyang makan KFC tadi. BURPPPPP.
What am I gonna wear tonight? Tak fikir lagi. Actually, I did. But I still can't figure out what to wear tonight sbb takde baju dah! BOOOO!
Bored bored bored bored bored..
Irma sakit today :(
Raindrops keep falling on my head~ Kenapa kena hujan? WHYYY!?!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Make It Mine
Today I had to find transport back jugak. But luckily, I found it! Joe's gonna come pick me up here at 5pm, yeay! So nice of him. Kena belanja makan la these people who I always susahkan. Irma, Zahier, Joe, Amir, Faisal, Jue.. Hahahaha.. Tengok la canner. Kena kira budget dulu.
Just now kira budget with Irma. Looks like I won't have money to go shopping or anything, as I will only have around RM85 to spend :( Yg lain semua dah kena bayar a few stuffs like my laptop and my phone and transport and internet bill semua la. But takpe la, atleast I get to spend RM100 every week. This time kena suruh Amir simpan duit! Kalau tak confirm habis. Hahahaha. Oh, kena beli a few thing ah. Damnit betul betul kena budget ah! No shoes for me next month :(
Tomorrow Zahier is gonna throw a birthday party for him and his friend. They're gonna celebrate it at Duta Vista. Going with Joe, I don't think I can stay there long as I have to STUDY!!! Malas betul la. Saturday I'll be with Sarra the whoooole day. Study kat library. Insya-Allah I can jawab the paper on Monday. Shit la takut gila there are so many things to learn! Pastuh right after Monday punya paper I have to study for Biology pulak. I hope I'll pass. Hahahaha atleast it's better than failing right! Buruk betul sijil SPM saya :(
Can't wait to go back today. Well, actually takde la sangat. I'm very hyper today! Cukup tidur punya pasal. I'm not sleepy at all! Slept at 930pm smlm after watching Gossip Girl. Tonight I'm gonna watch One Tree Hill pulak :D 90210 dah tengok hari tuh. Malam nie nak tidur awal lagi la. Tomorrow Irma maybe takde, she's sick today. Ciaaaan dia. Now she's asleep. Hahahaha and I don't feel like sleeping at all OMG BESTNYERRRR!
4 more days! I miss you babat :(
Just now kira budget with Irma. Looks like I won't have money to go shopping or anything, as I will only have around RM85 to spend :( Yg lain semua dah kena bayar a few stuffs like my laptop and my phone and transport and internet bill semua la. But takpe la, atleast I get to spend RM100 every week. This time kena suruh Amir simpan duit! Kalau tak confirm habis. Hahahaha. Oh, kena beli a few thing ah. Damnit betul betul kena budget ah! No shoes for me next month :(
Tomorrow Zahier is gonna throw a birthday party for him and his friend. They're gonna celebrate it at Duta Vista. Going with Joe, I don't think I can stay there long as I have to STUDY!!! Malas betul la. Saturday I'll be with Sarra the whoooole day. Study kat library. Insya-Allah I can jawab the paper on Monday. Shit la takut gila there are so many things to learn! Pastuh right after Monday punya paper I have to study for Biology pulak. I hope I'll pass. Hahahaha atleast it's better than failing right! Buruk betul sijil SPM saya :(
Can't wait to go back today. Well, actually takde la sangat. I'm very hyper today! Cukup tidur punya pasal. I'm not sleepy at all! Slept at 930pm smlm after watching Gossip Girl. Tonight I'm gonna watch One Tree Hill pulak :D 90210 dah tengok hari tuh. Malam nie nak tidur awal lagi la. Tomorrow Irma maybe takde, she's sick today. Ciaaaan dia. Now she's asleep. Hahahaha and I don't feel like sleeping at all OMG BESTNYERRRR!
4 more days! I miss you babat :(
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Foolish Games
Today is a sucky day. I don't have transport to go back. Still trying to figure out how to go back. Irma came up with an idea, ikut Faisal balik sampai LRT Taman Paramount then take a cab. Maaaybe I'll do that. Kong asked me to take a bus to Putrajaya, go climbing with her and then she'll send me home cuz she's going back to Hartamas. Sounds so damn tempting, but can't afford it. Zahier said he can pick me up, but he's gonna come meet me up at 830pm in Subang and he's gonna bring me straight to Tropicana City Mall cuz he's friend's gonna perform there tonight. I can't go cuz I have to study! Sooooo yea, probably will be following Faisal back home. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA sedih betul laaaaa :(
Bila laaa nak stop susahkan orang. Sigh.. I need a car.
Bila laaa nak stop susahkan orang. Sigh.. I need a car.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Tick Tock
It's almost lunch time! Weeee! Still haven't decide where to eat yet. Maybe Qaseh or Kopitiam. But wherever it's gonna be pun I don't really care cuz I'm not eating. Not that hungry now la, just sleepy. I wanna sleep! Oh oh, saya kena samak laaa ada benda sentuh bahu saya tadi. Aaaaaaa!
Went out with Joe last night. Was so damn bored and I wasn't really feeling okay. So had a good talk with him and it made me feel better. Thanks, Joe! I think the reason why I feel so down lately is because Amir is not around. I don't know.. Some part of me misses him like hell. But the other part is asking me to NOT miss him because the missing hurts! Distance sucks, especially the time difference. Sigh.. It's okay, Dot.. 6 more days!
Kena study lepas nie aaa. I don't know jack shit man. This is fucking hard for me. Have to spend time with Sarra, gonna ask her to teach me. I FEEL SO STUPID. Hahahahaha. But what the hell, might as well just give it a try since I've already registered pun kan. Oh, I applied for Unisel last night for January intake. Tak tahu la dapat ker tak, ahahaha. It's in Kuala Selangor and from what I've heard, that place sucks! I have a friend there who's taking tesl, she said that place is like hell. Hmm.. Can I last 3 years in hell? Hmm..
Tak sabar nak gie wall climbing again! Best gilaaaa! I like the thrill to reach the top. Walaupun dah penat, but you'd still want to go to the top. BEST SANGAT, I LOVE IT!
Miss you, Babat :(
12 more minutes to go!
Went out with Joe last night. Was so damn bored and I wasn't really feeling okay. So had a good talk with him and it made me feel better. Thanks, Joe! I think the reason why I feel so down lately is because Amir is not around. I don't know.. Some part of me misses him like hell. But the other part is asking me to NOT miss him because the missing hurts! Distance sucks, especially the time difference. Sigh.. It's okay, Dot.. 6 more days!
Kena study lepas nie aaa. I don't know jack shit man. This is fucking hard for me. Have to spend time with Sarra, gonna ask her to teach me. I FEEL SO STUPID. Hahahahaha. But what the hell, might as well just give it a try since I've already registered pun kan. Oh, I applied for Unisel last night for January intake. Tak tahu la dapat ker tak, ahahaha. It's in Kuala Selangor and from what I've heard, that place sucks! I have a friend there who's taking tesl, she said that place is like hell. Hmm.. Can I last 3 years in hell? Hmm..
Tak sabar nak gie wall climbing again! Best gilaaaa! I like the thrill to reach the top. Walaupun dah penat, but you'd still want to go to the top. BEST SANGAT, I LOVE IT!
Miss you, Babat :(
12 more minutes to go!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
You Gotta Be
Went wallclimbing yesterday with Zahier, Muz, Put, Izyan and Amirul. Had an awesome time! Didn't know I could climb, hahahaha. Well, I'm not as good as Izyan la but atleast I can still climb. Hahahaha! Can't wait to go there again next weekend! I'm so gonna bring Amir when he comes back!
After wallclimbing, me and Zahier went to OU punya futsal court. Tak best la tempat tuh, it's pricey and the court is damn small compared to ones that I've been to la. But the boys complained the same thing, too. Oh, Lulu was there. She was the only girl who played and she scored 1 goal!
Today's a boring day at work, as always. Takde kerja sangat. Asyik complain kat Irma bosaaaaan. Hahahaha. I don't really feel like eating lunch today. No mood + I'm not that hungry. I'm sleepy! Padahal semalam I slept quite early!
Lapar la pulak. Cacat betul perut nie. Tunggu Amir online kat Skype, atleast can chat with him. Susah nyaaa boyfriend jauh nie :(
After wallclimbing, me and Zahier went to OU punya futsal court. Tak best la tempat tuh, it's pricey and the court is damn small compared to ones that I've been to la. But the boys complained the same thing, too. Oh, Lulu was there. She was the only girl who played and she scored 1 goal!
Today's a boring day at work, as always. Takde kerja sangat. Asyik complain kat Irma bosaaaaan. Hahahaha. I don't really feel like eating lunch today. No mood + I'm not that hungry. I'm sleepy! Padahal semalam I slept quite early!
Lapar la pulak. Cacat betul perut nie. Tunggu Amir online kat Skype, atleast can chat with him. Susah nyaaa boyfriend jauh nie :(
Friday, November 13, 2009
Malas nak fikir title.
I don't know why, but I feel so weird for these past few days. I feel.. empty. I feel sad. I feel alone. I feel useless. I feel unhappy. FUCK THIS SHIT!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Today is a very boring day at work. Thank God I'm not that sleepy. Well, woke up this morning and went crazy cari transport to work. But Sarra sent me to work, alhamdulillah! She was late for class or something, hehehe.. THANKS BABE! Sayang Sarra sampai mati :D
I reached the office around 1115am. Hizam was being so nice to me! Nasib baik tak kena marah. He suggested I get a car soon. Well, kalau gaji banyak boleh ah. Boleh je beli kereta, but every month makan pasir ah. Hahahaha lagi kurus karang, nanti Amir dah tak sayang :(
Going to SS15 later with Azad, tumpang dia. Meeting up with Farah and Zainul later, Irma pun kot.. Irma said she's not sure yet sbb she ada exam today. Hopefully sempat la. After that we're going to OU to celebrate Adden's birthday! It's a saplaaaaaaaaais! So we have to be there early, around 8pm. I'm not gonna stay there for long, penat la.. Rasa nak balik terus tidur. Okay fine, tipu laa kalau terus tidur. Probably gonna watch a few episodes of Grey's Anatomy dulu then baru tidur :D
Amir texted me just now using Skype kot.. I felt like crying! Didn't realize I miss him so much. Waaaaa lama nyer lagi 2 weeks. But it's okay, got my movies and series to keep me company! Can't wait to get my salary. Seksa betul hidup sekarang. Boooo!
Gotta go now, nak kena hantar cheque. Bleeeeerrrggghhhhhhh~
I reached the office around 1115am. Hizam was being so nice to me! Nasib baik tak kena marah. He suggested I get a car soon. Well, kalau gaji banyak boleh ah. Boleh je beli kereta, but every month makan pasir ah. Hahahaha lagi kurus karang, nanti Amir dah tak sayang :(
Going to SS15 later with Azad, tumpang dia. Meeting up with Farah and Zainul later, Irma pun kot.. Irma said she's not sure yet sbb she ada exam today. Hopefully sempat la. After that we're going to OU to celebrate Adden's birthday! It's a saplaaaaaaaaais! So we have to be there early, around 8pm. I'm not gonna stay there for long, penat la.. Rasa nak balik terus tidur. Okay fine, tipu laa kalau terus tidur. Probably gonna watch a few episodes of Grey's Anatomy dulu then baru tidur :D
Amir texted me just now using Skype kot.. I felt like crying! Didn't realize I miss him so much. Waaaaa lama nyer lagi 2 weeks. But it's okay, got my movies and series to keep me company! Can't wait to get my salary. Seksa betul hidup sekarang. Boooo!
Gotta go now, nak kena hantar cheque. Bleeeeerrrggghhhhhhh~
Total Eclipse of the Heart
I'm sleepy, but I can't sleep. I don't know why. Still watching Grey's Anatomy now. Bosaaaaaaaaaaaan!
Had an awesome day at work today! I wasn't sleepy AT ALL! Jue was so damn hyper today. Took a lot of stupid pictures, but too lazy to upload them now. Maybe tomorrow after work.
I am addicted to MYMP's songs nowdays. They're so awesome! I love their songs, very soothing. Keeps me relaxed. I think I'm gonna bring my laptop to work tomorrow. I think. Then I can use it during lunch time, don't think I'll be going out for lunch. Maybe I can sit in my department and sleep or something. Or maybe watch a movie or something. Hehehehe.. Gonna ask Fauzi whether or not I can bring my laptop to work.
Tadi nak balik kereta Jue rosak, so we had to jumpstart her car.. in the rain! Faisal was the hero, all macho and shit. He's so nice la, helping us out just now. For some reason, he wrapped his head with a big ass towel and he looked kinda silly. Hahahahaha. But he's a nice guy. Always so helpful. That's why he's Tina!
I miss Amir. Baru third day. Kecoh siaaaaaaaaaaal. Hahahahaha 100 more days to go (malas nak kira, nanti lagi lambat). Balik aaaaa cepaaaaaaaaaaat! Your girlfriend misses you :(
Had an awesome day at work today! I wasn't sleepy AT ALL! Jue was so damn hyper today. Took a lot of stupid pictures, but too lazy to upload them now. Maybe tomorrow after work.
I am addicted to MYMP's songs nowdays. They're so awesome! I love their songs, very soothing. Keeps me relaxed. I think I'm gonna bring my laptop to work tomorrow. I think. Then I can use it during lunch time, don't think I'll be going out for lunch. Maybe I can sit in my department and sleep or something. Or maybe watch a movie or something. Hehehehe.. Gonna ask Fauzi whether or not I can bring my laptop to work.
Tadi nak balik kereta Jue rosak, so we had to jumpstart her car.. in the rain! Faisal was the hero, all macho and shit. He's so nice la, helping us out just now. For some reason, he wrapped his head with a big ass towel and he looked kinda silly. Hahahahaha. But he's a nice guy. Always so helpful. That's why he's Tina!
I miss Amir. Baru third day. Kecoh siaaaaaaaaaaal. Hahahahaha 100 more days to go (malas nak kira, nanti lagi lambat). Balik aaaaa cepaaaaaaaaaaat! Your girlfriend misses you :(
Sunday, November 8, 2009
She's So High~
I'm at work and I'm dead bored! Pinjam laptop Irma nak buat blog, sebab bosan sangat! I don't think my boss will be around today, he's still not in yet. Irma kena study. Hizam is.. staring at his pc screen as always. Everybody looks bored. Hahahaha..
I ate the most disgusting roti sardin EVER. Okay fine, it's not disgusting. It is not yummy at all. I can't wait for lunch time, nak tidur! Irma said she doesn't wanna go out today. So I'll be staying in with her! Yeaaaaaaaaaay!
Babat said he's gonna have a long drive to somewhere.. Mana eh? Tak ingat. But yea, can't wait to go home. I hope there will be a message from him on Facebook! Hahaha.. Today's the third day and it still feels like shit. But it's been better compared to Saturday. Gosh, I was so damn emotional on Saturday! Macam la dia pergi lama sangat. Fine, lama tuh lama la but nothing compared to Haizat punya lama kan! Sarra is so strong man, respect!
Gotta go now, sotong's here.
Time After Time
Blogs are for writing down your thoughts right? Same goes for Twitter or your status on Facebook. I think. But sometimes I feel guilty for updating too much status. Hahahaha. I is have the many the things to on my mind the.
When is Amir coming back? Why is 2 weeks a long time?
Why is Amir still asleep? It's supposed to be 0922 there.
I am watching Grey's Anatomy and I'm sleepy but I don't wanna sleep yet.
I am so lazy to go to work tomorrow.
Why is the sky blue?
Why are the people in my department so judgy and boring?
What do the people in my department do for fun?
How the hell am I gonna survive with no money?
I am hungry again.
I love Amir. I miss Amir. I wanna see Amir.
Okay, I'm going to sleep now.
When is Amir coming back? Why is 2 weeks a long time?
Why is Amir still asleep? It's supposed to be 0922 there.
I am watching Grey's Anatomy and I'm sleepy but I don't wanna sleep yet.
I am so lazy to go to work tomorrow.
Why is the sky blue?
Why are the people in my department so judgy and boring?
What do the people in my department do for fun?
How the hell am I gonna survive with no money?
I am hungry again.
I love Amir. I miss Amir. I wanna see Amir.
Okay, I'm going to sleep now.
Ugly Day
I am at Coffee Bean with Amar, teman dia study. I really don't feel like doing anything, I have no idea why. Maybe because I'M BROKE, or because I just don't feel like doing anything. Or maybe, because I miss Amir :( or MAYBE, just maaaaaaaaaybe.. becuz I am a lazy person. But I don't think I'm a lazy person. Am I?
Shit la I have to go through 2 whole weeks lagi waaaa lama nya plus God knows how many days Amir needs to recover from his jetlag. Hahahaha. Budak tuh mmg Babat!
I miss Sarra. I miss how close we used to be. Now masing masing are too busy with our own lives. Nak keluar susah, nak lepak or borak susah. Masing masing got our own problems. Waaaaaaa it's soooo hard :( I can't wait for her to finish her exams! I need to lepaaaaaak with her. Hehehehehe..
I am currently annoyed with a certain someone, but I really don't know how to tell that certain someone. I'm sure if I were to confront that certain someone, that certain someone is not gonna admit anything. So what's the point, right? Sigh.. I know I'm not perfect. I know sometimes I can be so damn annoying or people can't stand me or anything. But atleast I'm happy with what I have. I don't go and interfere with other people's problems. AAAAAAAAAA stress betul la.
Amin's leaving to Germany end of this month. Boo..
Lambat gilaaaa nak upload gambar kat Facebook. Stress nyerr..
Malas nak gie kerja tomorrow. But I'm looking forward to eat breakfast! Nasi lemak sedap :D
Had a short chat with Amir just now. Sounds like he's having fun! I'm so glad one of us is having fun. I'm bored almost all the time! Heee.. But I've been staying at home for the past 2 days and I can tell that Papa is verrrrryyy happy that I haven't been going out. Let's keep this good record for 2 weeks. Heee!
I miss Amir. I miss his kisses. I miss his smell. I miss his sleepy voice in the morning. *emotional mode ON*
Man, I feel so retarded.
Shit la I have to go through 2 whole weeks lagi waaaa lama nya plus God knows how many days Amir needs to recover from his jetlag. Hahahaha. Budak tuh mmg Babat!
I miss Sarra. I miss how close we used to be. Now masing masing are too busy with our own lives. Nak keluar susah, nak lepak or borak susah. Masing masing got our own problems. Waaaaaaa it's soooo hard :( I can't wait for her to finish her exams! I need to lepaaaaaak with her. Hehehehehe..
I am currently annoyed with a certain someone, but I really don't know how to tell that certain someone. I'm sure if I were to confront that certain someone, that certain someone is not gonna admit anything. So what's the point, right? Sigh.. I know I'm not perfect. I know sometimes I can be so damn annoying or people can't stand me or anything. But atleast I'm happy with what I have. I don't go and interfere with other people's problems. AAAAAAAAAA stress betul la.
Amin's leaving to Germany end of this month. Boo..
Lambat gilaaaa nak upload gambar kat Facebook. Stress nyerr..
Malas nak gie kerja tomorrow. But I'm looking forward to eat breakfast! Nasi lemak sedap :D
Had a short chat with Amir just now. Sounds like he's having fun! I'm so glad one of us is having fun. I'm bored almost all the time! Heee.. But I've been staying at home for the past 2 days and I can tell that Papa is verrrrryyy happy that I haven't been going out. Let's keep this good record for 2 weeks. Heee!
I miss Amir. I miss his kisses. I miss his smell. I miss his sleepy voice in the morning. *emotional mode ON*
Man, I feel so retarded.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
You Got It All
Amir left this morning to LA with his family. I think this is the hardest goodbye compared to the others. Whenever he goes to work, I know that I can always text him or we can always chat or skype. But this time, he's gonna be busy for the next 2 weeks. I miss him already. I missed him the whole day, didn't even have to mood to do anything. But then again, staying at home the whole day drives me nuts, I called Zahier up and asked him out. So, we went to The Curve with Fiza, Joe, and Shaza.
I think I do need him. I need him in my life. For now, I can say that he's my everything. He's my friend. He's my bestfriend. He's my diary. He's my partner in crime. But the most important thing is, he's my boyfriend :)
I love everything about him. Okay, almost everything. I love his passion for music and flying and he's good at what he does. I love the look on his face when he wakes up in the morning. I love the fact that he's soooo manja with me. He's a very determine person. When he wants something, he'll do whatever it takes to get it. He's a very generous person. His heart is at the right place. I like the butterfly feeling in my stomach everytime he calls or everytime he says "baby, I dah sampai depan rumah you!". We do a lot of crazy stuffs together! I love every single moment of being with him. I love the tiny kisses he gives me when I'm asleep (okay, he thinks I was asleep but actually I wasn't, heee). He snores, but I don't care. I love it :) He looks so peaceful when he sleeps.
Overall, I love the person he is. Eventhough sometimes I'm afraid of him, but I like the fact that he has that effect on me. I'm so thankful that I have him in my life now. Like other couples, we went through ups and downs, but we managed to go through it all together.
I know it's a few days late but baby, happy 6 months anniversary :) I love you so much, sayang. Missing you..

I think I do need him. I need him in my life. For now, I can say that he's my everything. He's my friend. He's my bestfriend. He's my diary. He's my partner in crime. But the most important thing is, he's my boyfriend :)
I love everything about him. Okay, almost everything. I love his passion for music and flying and he's good at what he does. I love the look on his face when he wakes up in the morning. I love the fact that he's soooo manja with me. He's a very determine person. When he wants something, he'll do whatever it takes to get it. He's a very generous person. His heart is at the right place. I like the butterfly feeling in my stomach everytime he calls or everytime he says "baby, I dah sampai depan rumah you!". We do a lot of crazy stuffs together! I love every single moment of being with him. I love the tiny kisses he gives me when I'm asleep (okay, he thinks I was asleep but actually I wasn't, heee). He snores, but I don't care. I love it :) He looks so peaceful when he sleeps.
Overall, I love the person he is. Eventhough sometimes I'm afraid of him, but I like the fact that he has that effect on me. I'm so thankful that I have him in my life now. Like other couples, we went through ups and downs, but we managed to go through it all together.
I know it's a few days late but baby, happy 6 months anniversary :) I love you so much, sayang. Missing you..

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tell Me Where It Hurts
What is my day going to look like?
What will my tomorrow bring me?
If I had x-ray eyes, I could see inside
I wouldn’t have to predict the future
I wish that you would do with some talking
How else am I to know what you’re thinking?
If only people would say what it really was
What it really was
What it really was that they wanted
Tell me where it hurts
to hell with everybody else
All I care about is you and that's the truth
They don't love me; I can tell
But you do, so they can go to hell
Did they ever give you a reason
To believe in something different
If you’re looking for love, for what it's worth
I have plenty of it lying around here somewhere
If you are looking for disappointment
You can find it around any corner
In the middle of the night I hold on to you tight
So both of us can feel protected
Tell me where it hurts,
to hell with everybody else.
All I care about is you and that's the truth
they don't love me; yeah I can tell
but you do, so they can go to hell
I’ve been loved but I didn’t know how to feel it
And I’ve been adored but I don’t know if I ever believed it
I’ve been loved my whole life but I didn’t know how to take it
So tell me where it hurts
to hell with everybody else
All I care about is you and that's the truth
they don't love me, yeah I can tell
But you do, so they can go to hell
But you do, so they can go to hell
Tell me where it hurts
Tell me where it hurts
Tell me where it hurts now
Tell me where it hurts...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Climb
Slow day at work today. Everyone still cuti. I'm so damn bored. Amir's gonna be off to Delhi today (kot.. tak ingat). Bosan nyaaaa! I'm sleepy. I'm tired. I'm hungry. I'm broke. I'm BORED!
Went to Zahier's house smlm. Ada open house. Satay was so damn awesome man! I ate 10 :D Amir looked so damn cute in his new black shirt. Nak sepak laju laju muka dia sampai mati.
Blogging is actually very weird cuz I'm typing out whatever I'm thinking of right now.
There's always gonna be another mountain~
Boleh mati kebosanan.
Went to Zahier's house smlm. Ada open house. Satay was so damn awesome man! I ate 10 :D Amir looked so damn cute in his new black shirt. Nak sepak laju laju muka dia sampai mati.
Blogging is actually very weird cuz I'm typing out whatever I'm thinking of right now.
There's always gonna be another mountain~
Boleh mati kebosanan.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wild World
1. People who wear hijab are nice people.
- Hmm well, not so true. Most of them are, I think. But some of them still talks bad about people. Still hold hands with their boyfriends. Still wears tight clothes. I mean, you wear hijab because your religion says you have to wear it. But I don't see the point if you wear it and still doing all this bad things. But bottom line, it still comes back to as long as you mind your own business, then it's fine. AND you can't force someone to wear hijab because if you do, they'd be wearing for you, not for God.
2. People who take drugs and drink are bad people
- I don't think they are. I the things that they do are between them and God. If they are good to their family and friends, then they're fine. As long as they are nice to people and mind their own business, it's fine.
3. OD is normal for people who drink.
- I don't think so. For first timers, it is normal because they don't know their limits yet. But if you purposely drink until you overdosed, then that is NOT normal. Unless if you have problems and you're trying to drink them away. But you see, problems are always gonna be there until you settle them. Even if you overdosed for 5 days straight, your problems are NOT going to get solved. Oh, girls, if you're planning to get like reeeeeally drunk, make sure you wear pants :)
4. There's nothing wrong in partying.
- Yeap, I agree. But if you party with random strangers, and get wasted and check in some cheap motel with a stranger, then that is totally wrong. But if you wanna party with people you know and trust, then that's okay because you know that you are in good hands :) And if you're planning to go on a party and get high, make sure you bring your own money to get your stuffs. Don't borrow people's money and act like you forgot all about it. And if you wanna have a party at a club, make sure you have enough money to buy the booze, not ask for money from someone you just met. Things might get reeeeally messy if you don't pay them back. Who knows they might just come banging on your door and ask you to pay them back.
5. People learn from their mistakes.
- Correcto. It's something that you HAVE to do after you've done something wrong. Learn from your mistakes. Don't repeat them ever again. Be a better person. I know someone who made a mistake. He got punished really bad for it. But now he's a much better person. He learned from his mistakes. He doesn't repeat them anymore and I respect him for that. But others, well let's just say they never learn. Keep on doing it. Orang kata tak serik serik la kan.
6. People don't change for the better, they change for the worse.
- Hmm, I don't agree with that. You have two options, either to be better or to be worse than you already are. Ones with brains would choose to change for the better. Why would you wanna be worse than you already are?
7. If you have a problem with someone, it's better to say tell them face to face other than posting it on Myspace or Facebook or Friendster or whatnot.
- I agree and disagree. Depends on people. If the person who you have a problem with is the type who sits and listen, the it's okay because you know whatever you say to her will actually stick in their brains. But if the person cries or babble when you're talking to them or talk on the phone while you're waiting for their response, then I don't think talking face to face would be such a good idea.
8. Karma says, "What goes around comes around".
- True. Karma has a way of getting to you when you least expects it. If you believe in karma, you wouldn't do things to people. You would treat people like how you want to be treated. Dont simply say you believe in karma just because it's something cool to say. Karma says what goes around comes around. People who believe in karma they treat people like how they wanna be treated. Some people just like to say that they believe in karma, but the truth is they don’t. Some might believe in it just becuz other people believe in it but they don’t actually know jack about karma. If a person believes in karma, they wouldn’t cheat on their boyfriend or girlfriend becuz they know it’s wrong and karma WILL catch up on them (kalau betul they believe in karma la). They wouldn’t treat the person they love like a slave, asking them to do this and that. They wouldn’t throw things at their loved one when they’re angry. They wouldn’t talk about their bestfriends behind their backs. They wouldn’t create false stories about other people just to feel good about themselves. To all ‘karma believers’, let me tell you you the REAL meaning of karma. Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. Karma is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward, karma simply deals with what is. The effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to others. So, do you really believe in karma?
9. Say what you mean. Mean what you say.
- Some people only know how to say things, but they don't really mean. In other words, 'talk cock no action' or 'cakap tak serupa bikin'.
10. Once a liar, always a liar
- Why do you think people lie? Is because they have something to hide? Or they lie so that they'd feel good about themselves? Or they wanna get out of a difficult situation? I think there are a lot of reasons to lie. You lie because you don't wanna hurt other people's feelings. You lie because you're afraid if the truth comes out, people are gonna hate you. You lie because you wanna feel good about yourself. You lie because you wanna cover something up. A lot of reasons. BUT if you lie to a person when the proof is already right in front of their eyes, then you can proudly call yourself an idiot.
- Hmm well, not so true. Most of them are, I think. But some of them still talks bad about people. Still hold hands with their boyfriends. Still wears tight clothes. I mean, you wear hijab because your religion says you have to wear it. But I don't see the point if you wear it and still doing all this bad things. But bottom line, it still comes back to as long as you mind your own business, then it's fine. AND you can't force someone to wear hijab because if you do, they'd be wearing for you, not for God.
2. People who take drugs and drink are bad people
- I don't think they are. I the things that they do are between them and God. If they are good to their family and friends, then they're fine. As long as they are nice to people and mind their own business, it's fine.
3. OD is normal for people who drink.
- I don't think so. For first timers, it is normal because they don't know their limits yet. But if you purposely drink until you overdosed, then that is NOT normal. Unless if you have problems and you're trying to drink them away. But you see, problems are always gonna be there until you settle them. Even if you overdosed for 5 days straight, your problems are NOT going to get solved. Oh, girls, if you're planning to get like reeeeeally drunk, make sure you wear pants :)
4. There's nothing wrong in partying.
- Yeap, I agree. But if you party with random strangers, and get wasted and check in some cheap motel with a stranger, then that is totally wrong. But if you wanna party with people you know and trust, then that's okay because you know that you are in good hands :) And if you're planning to go on a party and get high, make sure you bring your own money to get your stuffs. Don't borrow people's money and act like you forgot all about it. And if you wanna have a party at a club, make sure you have enough money to buy the booze, not ask for money from someone you just met. Things might get reeeeally messy if you don't pay them back. Who knows they might just come banging on your door and ask you to pay them back.
5. People learn from their mistakes.
- Correcto. It's something that you HAVE to do after you've done something wrong. Learn from your mistakes. Don't repeat them ever again. Be a better person. I know someone who made a mistake. He got punished really bad for it. But now he's a much better person. He learned from his mistakes. He doesn't repeat them anymore and I respect him for that. But others, well let's just say they never learn. Keep on doing it. Orang kata tak serik serik la kan.
6. People don't change for the better, they change for the worse.
- Hmm, I don't agree with that. You have two options, either to be better or to be worse than you already are. Ones with brains would choose to change for the better. Why would you wanna be worse than you already are?
7. If you have a problem with someone, it's better to say tell them face to face other than posting it on Myspace or Facebook or Friendster or whatnot.
- I agree and disagree. Depends on people. If the person who you have a problem with is the type who sits and listen, the it's okay because you know whatever you say to her will actually stick in their brains. But if the person cries or babble when you're talking to them or talk on the phone while you're waiting for their response, then I don't think talking face to face would be such a good idea.
8. Karma says, "What goes around comes around".
- True. Karma has a way of getting to you when you least expects it. If you believe in karma, you wouldn't do things to people. You would treat people like how you want to be treated. Dont simply say you believe in karma just because it's something cool to say. Karma says what goes around comes around. People who believe in karma they treat people like how they wanna be treated. Some people just like to say that they believe in karma, but the truth is they don’t. Some might believe in it just becuz other people believe in it but they don’t actually know jack about karma. If a person believes in karma, they wouldn’t cheat on their boyfriend or girlfriend becuz they know it’s wrong and karma WILL catch up on them (kalau betul they believe in karma la). They wouldn’t treat the person they love like a slave, asking them to do this and that. They wouldn’t throw things at their loved one when they’re angry. They wouldn’t talk about their bestfriends behind their backs. They wouldn’t create false stories about other people just to feel good about themselves. To all ‘karma believers’, let me tell you you the REAL meaning of karma. Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. Karma is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward, karma simply deals with what is. The effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to others. So, do you really believe in karma?
9. Say what you mean. Mean what you say.
- Some people only know how to say things, but they don't really mean. In other words, 'talk cock no action' or 'cakap tak serupa bikin'.
10. Once a liar, always a liar
- Why do you think people lie? Is because they have something to hide? Or they lie so that they'd feel good about themselves? Or they wanna get out of a difficult situation? I think there are a lot of reasons to lie. You lie because you don't wanna hurt other people's feelings. You lie because you're afraid if the truth comes out, people are gonna hate you. You lie because you wanna feel good about yourself. You lie because you wanna cover something up. A lot of reasons. BUT if you lie to a person when the proof is already right in front of their eyes, then you can proudly call yourself an idiot.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Fake people really annoys me. There are actually a lot of types of fake people.
Some of them are ones who will act nice in front of you but will bitch about you behind your back.
Some of them compliments other people just to get close to them. They'd go like, "OMG babe, lawa gila rambut you!", "Babe, you kurus la I jealous gila!", "Babe, kenapa you lawa sangat nie, I rasa malu la nak jalan sebelah you!". Makes me wanna puke.
Some of them even create stories about themselves just so that people will look up to them. Gila ah. Psycho nak mampos.
Some of them will pretend like they're rich and all that tapi sebenarnya takde duit pun.
Some of them try to act cute so that they will attract other people's attention. Tapi tak cute pun. Aaaaa geli la.
There are a lot of things I wanna say about fake people, but seriously takde mood ah now. Geli geli geli!!
Some of them are ones who will act nice in front of you but will bitch about you behind your back.
Some of them compliments other people just to get close to them. They'd go like, "OMG babe, lawa gila rambut you!", "Babe, you kurus la I jealous gila!", "Babe, kenapa you lawa sangat nie, I rasa malu la nak jalan sebelah you!". Makes me wanna puke.
Some of them even create stories about themselves just so that people will look up to them. Gila ah. Psycho nak mampos.
Some of them will pretend like they're rich and all that tapi sebenarnya takde duit pun.
Some of them try to act cute so that they will attract other people's attention. Tapi tak cute pun. Aaaaa geli la.
There are a lot of things I wanna say about fake people, but seriously takde mood ah now. Geli geli geli!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tears Don't Fall
This is so hard. Missing someone but you can't do anything about it. It hurts as hell to know that the reason why you can't be together is not because you don't have feelings towards one another, but it's because of certain things that is unavoidable. A very strong reason to not be together but still involves feelings. It sucks knowing that both people can't meet each other's expectations. It hurts knowing that you could try harder but somehow one of you don't see the point to carry on with it anymore. Love hurts, everybody knows that. But I guess it's ta risk you have to take to be happy. If you don't try, you wouldn't know what's the outcome of it, right?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Cry For You
I hate it when people take things for granted. I hate it when they don't appreciate things when they have it. I hate people who only likes to chase. Basically I hate ungrateful people.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
I don't fucking understand. They said they care. But I was at home lying on my bed with no food, they didn't even come up and check up on me. Or atleast send someone to check up on me. But when I wanna go to World Stage, they said they care cuz I'm sick and they don't want me to get worse. WHATEVER. This is fucking unfair.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
People are so fucked up. They are always looking for something to talk about. And those people yg commment comment tuh tak sedar diri ker? I've got dirts on ALL OF YOU.
I know one of you are sleeping around. Mentang mentang la she's not here and the boyfriend is in Malaysia, selamba la kan. So who's the bitch now?
I know one a lot of stories about one of you whose sex life dah jadi bahan for people at your workplace to talk about.
One of you has a bestfriend who cannot be trusted. All your secrets are out.
And to one of you, jangan kecoh sangat. Your boyfriend has been cheating on you A LOT. Go jaga your boyfriend la better daripada jaga tepi kain orang.
Come on la, people makes mistakes. You don't choose who you fall for. Nobody's perfect. But no one sebok enough to go and spill everything that you did right?
I know one of you are sleeping around. Mentang mentang la she's not here and the boyfriend is in Malaysia, selamba la kan. So who's the bitch now?
I know one a lot of stories about one of you whose sex life dah jadi bahan for people at your workplace to talk about.
One of you has a bestfriend who cannot be trusted. All your secrets are out.
And to one of you, jangan kecoh sangat. Your boyfriend has been cheating on you A LOT. Go jaga your boyfriend la better daripada jaga tepi kain orang.
Come on la, people makes mistakes. You don't choose who you fall for. Nobody's perfect. But no one sebok enough to go and spill everything that you did right?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
How Do I Breathe
Amir is sick today. I'm so worried and in a way I feel so damn useless cuz I can't be there for him. Sigh, I hope he will get well soon. Tak sanggup tengok dia sakit mcm nie.
And I'm sick too! I think jangkit with him kot. So funny~ But my condition is not as teruk as his la. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I hate feeling useless.
And I'm sick too! I think jangkit with him kot. So funny~ But my condition is not as teruk as his la. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I hate feeling useless.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Me Against The World
It's so damn hard living like this. I have to avoid my parents and all. Susahkan my elder sister buka pintu in the middle of the night. I have to wait for my parents to sleep first in order to get into the house. So tiring, I wish I could change the way things are right now. I really don't know how to. I know people would say "just talk to your parents, explain how things are and everything", but will they accept it? I hate rejections.
I love my sister to death for doing all this things for me. I know it's not easy, but my parents are asking her to take care of me now cuz they don't know what to do with me anymore. Am I that bad? Maybe I am. Sigh, it's so hard to lower down my ego when it comes to these kinda things. But whatever it is, I really appreciate what my sister is doing for me. She's been very patient with me, trying not to scream or yell at me. Right now I'm really trying to be on her good side. I don't go home late anymore (fine, it's still late but I'm making progress!). It's not that I want to go back late, it's just that I reeeeally don't wanna bump into my parents. I don't think I can handle the whole marah/maki just yet. I don't feel like going home late anymore since Amir is not the kinda guy who goes back late. And I'm so thankful becuz in a way it keeps me in line. Hey, you can't expect me to change just like that right. But I know that I'm making progress. Sila bersabar :D
Speaking of Amir, we're officially together! Hahaha it feels weird being someone's girlfriend now, but in a good way, of course! Hehehe told the girls via Facebook just now, hahaha senang. But yea, whatever it is atleast there's one good thing that is happening to me now, yeay!
Got interview tomorrow. Will tell the details bila dah dapat kerja. Weeeeee!
I love my sister to death for doing all this things for me. I know it's not easy, but my parents are asking her to take care of me now cuz they don't know what to do with me anymore. Am I that bad? Maybe I am. Sigh, it's so hard to lower down my ego when it comes to these kinda things. But whatever it is, I really appreciate what my sister is doing for me. She's been very patient with me, trying not to scream or yell at me. Right now I'm really trying to be on her good side. I don't go home late anymore (fine, it's still late but I'm making progress!). It's not that I want to go back late, it's just that I reeeeally don't wanna bump into my parents. I don't think I can handle the whole marah/maki just yet. I don't feel like going home late anymore since Amir is not the kinda guy who goes back late. And I'm so thankful becuz in a way it keeps me in line. Hey, you can't expect me to change just like that right. But I know that I'm making progress. Sila bersabar :D
Speaking of Amir, we're officially together! Hahaha it feels weird being someone's girlfriend now, but in a good way, of course! Hehehe told the girls via Facebook just now, hahaha senang. But yea, whatever it is atleast there's one good thing that is happening to me now, yeay!
Got interview tomorrow. Will tell the details bila dah dapat kerja. Weeeeee!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Wake Me Up When Everything Is Okay
People always say that life is hard. Well, I belive that people tend to make it hard. But then again, life is not supposed to be easy, right? We can't always be on top, we have to be at the bottom once in a while. I think. Am I making any sense? I guess not.
I think i'm the worst person ever. I'm the worst daughter ever. I'm the worst girlfriend ever. As a friend, I'm not so sure. Hahahaha. I feel like I have nothing now. Everything has officially fallen out of places. I wanna try to fix things, but I really don't know where to start.
I feel so embarrassed whenever I hang out with my friends, especially when they start talking about studies. Most of them are already graduating and the others are halfway there. Me? I'm not doing anything at the moment. I don't have a job, I don't have money. I don't have education. Basically I'm nothing. Just a girl who goes out with her friends and pretend like nothing is wrong. Well, a lot of things happened in the past few weeks, and I'm not so sure whether or not I'm strong enough to go through it.
I'm not in talking terms with my parents. But seriously, I don't blame them. I have been a very terrible daughter to them. I go out all the time and come back like really late. I failed 2 papers for SPM because I was so playful back in high school. I don't have any qualifications. So basically I'm the black sheep of the family, always embarrassing my parents. Orang melayu kata "menconteng arang di muka keluarga" (i learned that phrase from my mom, hahaha). Whenever I tried to change, I get distracted. With boyfriends, friends, hang out or whatever. Yes, I have my goals but somehow maybe I'm not trying hard enough to reach it.
I wanna change. But I don't know what to do and where to start. I guess my ego is too big, that I don't wanna receive help from other people. I don't want people to know that my life is so screwed up. Seriously I really wanna know what to do right now, but I don't think anyone can help me. People who don't really know me and my family always ask me to do things that I can't do. It's not that I don't want to, but I know the situation pretty well and I know how my parents are. I can't ask help from my parents because I know they can't help me, not because they don't want to.
Sometimes I'm jealous of my friends who have good relationship with their parents. It sucks knowing that I don't have that with mine. A friend of mine who just got an iPhone from her dad, she went to him, hugged him and kissed him. I have never done that to my dad. We all don't do that with each other. It's kinda upsetting, but my elder sister always told me not to compare my family with other people's family. So yea, I guess I've learned to accept the fact that my family are not like that. But it still upsets me sometimes.
Being in a relationship with someone is hard. For me it is. Because I don't have anything to offer. I feel like I'm not good enough for anyone. Yea, it's easy for people to ask me to change, but yea.. The question now is HOW? I think I kinda know how but I just don't wanna do it because it will take a very long time but yea.. I don't know. UGH. Some people only want a relationship for now. But I want one that will last. I wanna be with someone who are willing to go through shit with me because right now I'm in deep shit, obviously la kan. But yea, I don't think anyone would wanna be with someone like me. Maybe there is, but they won't stick. Maybe I am destined to be alone.. *emo mode ON*
Yea I just feel like letting things out. These aren't everything. There's still more but I'm too lazy to type now.
I think i'm the worst person ever. I'm the worst daughter ever. I'm the worst girlfriend ever. As a friend, I'm not so sure. Hahahaha. I feel like I have nothing now. Everything has officially fallen out of places. I wanna try to fix things, but I really don't know where to start.
I feel so embarrassed whenever I hang out with my friends, especially when they start talking about studies. Most of them are already graduating and the others are halfway there. Me? I'm not doing anything at the moment. I don't have a job, I don't have money. I don't have education. Basically I'm nothing. Just a girl who goes out with her friends and pretend like nothing is wrong. Well, a lot of things happened in the past few weeks, and I'm not so sure whether or not I'm strong enough to go through it.
I'm not in talking terms with my parents. But seriously, I don't blame them. I have been a very terrible daughter to them. I go out all the time and come back like really late. I failed 2 papers for SPM because I was so playful back in high school. I don't have any qualifications. So basically I'm the black sheep of the family, always embarrassing my parents. Orang melayu kata "menconteng arang di muka keluarga" (i learned that phrase from my mom, hahaha). Whenever I tried to change, I get distracted. With boyfriends, friends, hang out or whatever. Yes, I have my goals but somehow maybe I'm not trying hard enough to reach it.
I wanna change. But I don't know what to do and where to start. I guess my ego is too big, that I don't wanna receive help from other people. I don't want people to know that my life is so screwed up. Seriously I really wanna know what to do right now, but I don't think anyone can help me. People who don't really know me and my family always ask me to do things that I can't do. It's not that I don't want to, but I know the situation pretty well and I know how my parents are. I can't ask help from my parents because I know they can't help me, not because they don't want to.
Sometimes I'm jealous of my friends who have good relationship with their parents. It sucks knowing that I don't have that with mine. A friend of mine who just got an iPhone from her dad, she went to him, hugged him and kissed him. I have never done that to my dad. We all don't do that with each other. It's kinda upsetting, but my elder sister always told me not to compare my family with other people's family. So yea, I guess I've learned to accept the fact that my family are not like that. But it still upsets me sometimes.
Being in a relationship with someone is hard. For me it is. Because I don't have anything to offer. I feel like I'm not good enough for anyone. Yea, it's easy for people to ask me to change, but yea.. The question now is HOW? I think I kinda know how but I just don't wanna do it because it will take a very long time but yea.. I don't know. UGH. Some people only want a relationship for now. But I want one that will last. I wanna be with someone who are willing to go through shit with me because right now I'm in deep shit, obviously la kan. But yea, I don't think anyone would wanna be with someone like me. Maybe there is, but they won't stick. Maybe I am destined to be alone.. *emo mode ON*
Yea I just feel like letting things out. These aren't everything. There's still more but I'm too lazy to type now.
Friday, June 26, 2009
A Very Productive Day
Today was a very 'productive' day. I woke up at 630pm, showered at 730pm and studied while waiting for Amir to call me. Tapi sbb lama sangat tunggu, I had to call him but he didn't answer. Thanks ah. Hahahaha. Now we're on Skype but he's missing. Tatau mana dia pergi. But it's okay yaw, atleast I can do this! Boleh type what's going on in my head. Obviously I can't write all right cuz some of them are only for me to know, hehehehe..
A lot happened for the past few days. I can't tell you what, but I can definitely say that my whole world has been torn apart. Right now I don't know what to do to fix things. It's gonna be hard for me from now on, need to work extra hard to get what I want. Let's just hope I'm strong enough to go thru all this.
Sometimes it's hard to read people. You think that you've done everything that you have to do, but it's still not enough. Sometimes you feel appreciated and sometimes you don't. You think you deserve more cuz you've given so much, but in the end you didn't really get what you expected. So weird man, life full of expectations is a bitch. So I've learned my lesson. Hahaha let's talk about it.
1. Don't expect anything from anyone. Just do what you think you have to do and that's it. If you expect and you don't get what you expected then it's gonna be so damn depressing.
2. Actions speak louder than words. Yeap.
3. Don't ever EVER try to read someone. They might turn out to be someone who you can't ever ever imagine.
4. Appearance is somehow very important.
5. Work extra hard to get what you want and hope that it's all gonna be worth it.
I think that's all for now. I wanna sing alone in my room now.
A lot happened for the past few days. I can't tell you what, but I can definitely say that my whole world has been torn apart. Right now I don't know what to do to fix things. It's gonna be hard for me from now on, need to work extra hard to get what I want. Let's just hope I'm strong enough to go thru all this.
Sometimes it's hard to read people. You think that you've done everything that you have to do, but it's still not enough. Sometimes you feel appreciated and sometimes you don't. You think you deserve more cuz you've given so much, but in the end you didn't really get what you expected. So weird man, life full of expectations is a bitch. So I've learned my lesson. Hahaha let's talk about it.
1. Don't expect anything from anyone. Just do what you think you have to do and that's it. If you expect and you don't get what you expected then it's gonna be so damn depressing.
2. Actions speak louder than words. Yeap.
3. Don't ever EVER try to read someone. They might turn out to be someone who you can't ever ever imagine.
4. Appearance is somehow very important.
5. Work extra hard to get what you want and hope that it's all gonna be worth it.
I think that's all for now. I wanna sing alone in my room now.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Ceyh, insomnia la sangat kan. Hahahaha anyways, it's 0103 and I still couldn't sleep. Been trying to sleep for the past hour, but failed to suceed. So I decided to switch on my laptop and do this. Ngeh!
I had a tiring day. Woke up at.. wait. I forgot how my day went. Woke up twice.. Woke Amir up.. twice kot. Hahahaha went to One U at 12 something, went for lunch at Old Asia.. Theeeeeeen.. Waited for him gie full body massage.. Then lepak Teh Tarik Place.. Then went to Delicious while waiting for Amir gie gym. Pastuh bad news he got called up but he's coming back tomorrow morning. Then went to Izyan's, lepak Rasta sampai nak gila.. Then went to play pool for an hour and went home. Gila la penat kot!
Homagah, Izyan was so funny kat Rasta. She made me laugh like hell! Sakit perut sampai orang kat meja sebelah asyik pandang pandang jer. But it was funny, man. I forgot what it was about. But I remember winking, semut dan shisha. Hahahahahahaha!
I think being happy is a very weird feeling for me. Haven't felt like this in the longest time. But so far so good :) Hopefully it will last long.
It may sound crazy, but I think I miss my Babat walaupun baru jumpa tadi and bakal berjumpa lagi tomorrow. Heeeeeeeee :)
I had a tiring day. Woke up at.. wait. I forgot how my day went. Woke up twice.. Woke Amir up.. twice kot. Hahahaha went to One U at 12 something, went for lunch at Old Asia.. Theeeeeeen.. Waited for him gie full body massage.. Then lepak Teh Tarik Place.. Then went to Delicious while waiting for Amir gie gym. Pastuh bad news he got called up but he's coming back tomorrow morning. Then went to Izyan's, lepak Rasta sampai nak gila.. Then went to play pool for an hour and went home. Gila la penat kot!
Homagah, Izyan was so funny kat Rasta. She made me laugh like hell! Sakit perut sampai orang kat meja sebelah asyik pandang pandang jer. But it was funny, man. I forgot what it was about. But I remember winking, semut dan shisha. Hahahahahahaha!
I think being happy is a very weird feeling for me. Haven't felt like this in the longest time. But so far so good :) Hopefully it will last long.
It may sound crazy, but I think I miss my Babat walaupun baru jumpa tadi and bakal berjumpa lagi tomorrow. Heeeeeeeee :)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
B o r i n g S u n d a y
Bosan gilaaaaaaa! Nothing to do now. Might be going out to see Qeeb later, tomorrow is his birthday! I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I miss Oscar. It's okay yaw, 7 more days to go. I can do this! Ceyhlamak. Poyo la Linda nie.
Seriously I don't what to type now but I just feel like typing. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..
Seriously I don't what to type now but I just feel like typing. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..
Friday, May 15, 2009
Breathing Underwater
Ada orang sebok suruh saya update blog. Well, this one's for you! But I don't know la whether or not you're gonna like it, heee! I feel like crapping (crap as in merepek, not berak yer) today. Hee!
I'm currently at Kak Ju's house, waiting for her to come back from mengambil anaknya dari sekolah. Today's Eky's birthday, so I went to Cineleisure and bought him a Gundam. ZOMG banyak gila Gundam lawa lawa I want I want I want! But no money la to buy so.. Yea.. Sedih.
Oscar texted me just now. He's in Istanbul now. Boo.
Adi is annoying.
I is hungry. Tuh la, makan char kuey teow tak habis lagi. Sekarang dah menyesal.
I want a new kitty cat.
I is bored.
I is want to eat nasi ayam rasta.
I is missing Oscar.
I is want to go to Apollo TTDI to see Aishah. Oh, she gave birth to a baby boy this morning :D
I'm currently at Kak Ju's house, waiting for her to come back from mengambil anaknya dari sekolah. Today's Eky's birthday, so I went to Cineleisure and bought him a Gundam. ZOMG banyak gila Gundam lawa lawa I want I want I want! But no money la to buy so.. Yea.. Sedih.
Oscar texted me just now. He's in Istanbul now. Boo.
Adi is annoying.
I is hungry. Tuh la, makan char kuey teow tak habis lagi. Sekarang dah menyesal.
I want a new kitty cat.
I is bored.
I is want to eat nasi ayam rasta.
I is missing Oscar.
I is want to go to Apollo TTDI to see Aishah. Oh, she gave birth to a baby boy this morning :D
Sunday, May 10, 2009
That's Where You Take Me
I think things are finally falling into its places. Everything feels so good! I met someone who is incredibly awesome. My friends are happy for me :) and everything feels so great! I'm happyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Okay, I don't know what else to say here actually. Hehehehehe I miss Sarra :(
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I don't understand a lot of things right now. Like, why would someone delete people from Facebook? Is it because that person has something to hide? Or is it because that person feels like you're no longer a friend or someone important? Sometimes I think Facebook sucks. It tends to affect your day or your emotions. Padahal it's nothing important pun kan.
I hope you're happy.
I hope you're happy.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Cuz You Had A Bad Day.
Today is my last day working. So I'm no longer working for Tuah Tankers. It was sad la. I mean, it wasn't really sad. But it's funny how time flies. I can't believe I worked there for 11 months! Gila la.. But it was really sad saying goodbye to Siti. We think alike. We laugh at the same jokes. We kinda make the same jokes (only that Siti nie lagi sengal la, hehehe..). Eventhough we only know each other for 3 months, but it feels like we've known each other longer. She is one of the reasons to go to work. Hahaha I knew my day is gonna be fine if she's around. It was awesome working with her. Eventho saya nie pemalas, she never marah me. Dia perli perli jer la. But saya terer la buat bodoh to her perli perli, hahahaha! She's the person who I'm gonna miss the most.
So today we had a makan makan la at the office for the people yg dah nak lari from the workplace, hahaha! So my dad ordered for 40 people, becuz nak order kat tempat tuh kena minimum untuk 40 orang. So ada banyak la left overs kan. Then before I went to work, my mom gave me a 'tenong' (haa sure korang tatau tenong tuh apa!) for the nasi minyak and nasi dagang. Then mcm dah habis makan all, Kak Marina and Kak Kam packed la the left overs to bahagi sama rata to the people kan. So they isi la in the tenong. So when I brought it back, my mom was reeeeeeally angry sbb she said the tenong was half filled. So mcm tak cukup la untuk mengisi perut dia. So she started calling me names like *toot* *toot* (kena censored). Just now she shouted something and slammed the door TWICE. Along said she kempunan nak makan nasi minyak tuh, that's why la she's being like that. Whatever la. Maybe it's my fault for not packing it enough for her. But takkan la I wanna ask Kak Marina to isi full kot? But yea, maybe it is my fault. MAAAAAYBE. Or maybe mommy terlalu kempunan to eat, sampai she merajuk tamau makan and went to Santai with Along instead. Hehehehehe.. But yea, I asked Siti to text me the alamat for the orang nasi minyak, so I think i'm gonna go get it for her tomorrow. Or tomorrow tomorrow. Not sure yet.
Tomorrow's gonna start my new job. And I have to take my license reeeeeally soon. But dunno when yet. So lazy to go for bengkel and all. But kena belajar how to drive a manual first la kan hahahaha. Dayumn I suck at driving manual. Benciiii!
Esok sure gaduh lagi with mama.. Sigh sigh.. So penat la living like this.
So today we had a makan makan la at the office for the people yg dah nak lari from the workplace, hahaha! So my dad ordered for 40 people, becuz nak order kat tempat tuh kena minimum untuk 40 orang. So ada banyak la left overs kan. Then before I went to work, my mom gave me a 'tenong' (haa sure korang tatau tenong tuh apa!) for the nasi minyak and nasi dagang. Then mcm dah habis makan all, Kak Marina and Kak Kam packed la the left overs to bahagi sama rata to the people kan. So they isi la in the tenong. So when I brought it back, my mom was reeeeeeally angry sbb she said the tenong was half filled. So mcm tak cukup la untuk mengisi perut dia. So she started calling me names like *toot* *toot* (kena censored). Just now she shouted something and slammed the door TWICE. Along said she kempunan nak makan nasi minyak tuh, that's why la she's being like that. Whatever la. Maybe it's my fault for not packing it enough for her. But takkan la I wanna ask Kak Marina to isi full kot? But yea, maybe it is my fault. MAAAAAYBE. Or maybe mommy terlalu kempunan to eat, sampai she merajuk tamau makan and went to Santai with Along instead. Hehehehehe.. But yea, I asked Siti to text me the alamat for the orang nasi minyak, so I think i'm gonna go get it for her tomorrow. Or tomorrow tomorrow. Not sure yet.
Tomorrow's gonna start my new job. And I have to take my license reeeeeally soon. But dunno when yet. So lazy to go for bengkel and all. But kena belajar how to drive a manual first la kan hahahaha. Dayumn I suck at driving manual. Benciiii!
Esok sure gaduh lagi with mama.. Sigh sigh.. So penat la living like this.
Life sucks when you :
- don't have enough money
- can't be with the person you love
- can't trust someone
- have to study!
- are addicted to online shopping but you can't really buy anything due to financial problem
- can't hang out with your bestfriend that much often
- are in a long distance relationship
- see someone you love happy with someone else
- don't have enough money
- can't be with the person you love
- can't trust someone
- have to study!
- are addicted to online shopping but you can't really buy anything due to financial problem
- can't hang out with your bestfriend that much often
- are in a long distance relationship
- see someone you love happy with someone else
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Disney On Ice - Princess Wishes

Call me childish, I don't care but I WANT TO GO TO DISNEY ON ICE! shit la the ticket is so damn expensive! It used to be RM100, and can get good seats pun. This time, the RM58 ticket is so far back, and the RM128 ticket mcm.. tak best. Damnson I wanna go! How I wish I have money now I wanna buy the tickeeeeeeeeet! I don't mind going alone pun since none of my friends are interested in this kinda thing. Boo! Sarra might be interested, but I doubt she wants to go la. Sigh sigh sigh.. Hidup tanpa boyfriend sucks when it comes to this kinda things.
Dulu, about a few months back ada Beauty and the Beast punya ice play. Sheeeeeit! But I didn't go cuz I was broke! Damnit sayang gila I'm sure the play was super awesome. Aaaaa okay I don't wanna think about it. Sigh sigh sigh.. I like Disney on Ice. Best gila and the shows always give me goosebumps. Those people are so hebat la. But I also like it cuz it makes me feel like a kid again. Sigh, how I wish I can turn back time. Things were much easier back then. Nothing to worry about. All we did was play play play. Aaaaaa best nyaaaa~
I missed the times when we were working in Italiannies. Worked there when I was 18 with Muz, Sarra, Ain.. siapa ntah lagi tak ingat. But it was so damn fun! Basically we stood for 8 hours. And we actually had fun! Ahahaha I think all the SPGs semua suka la tayang muka depan Italiannies sambil gossip gossip. Hahahahaha! Man, it was fun. Fatin even joined us for a week for Chinese New Year. Had a lot of fun there. Sigh sigh.. BEST GILA NAK KERJA SANA LAGI! But now dah tak best. Ramai yang dah takde and the managers all got transfered here and there dah. Oh fuck.. Which reminds me.. ALL THE GAMBAR GAMBAR MASA KERJA DAH TAKDE CUZ MY PC KENA FORMAT FUCCCCCCCCCCCK!!!
I'm bored so I feel like uploading pictures.

Okay dah penat and now I'm waiting for Siti ntah ke mana minah nie gie. I WANT MY KFC! So hungry already :( waaaaaaaaaaaaa! Bored bored bored. Hungry hungry hungry.

Monday, March 16, 2009
There were a lot of things that I wanted to write when I was on the way to work. Tetapi malangnya saya tidak memiliki sebuah blackberry atau pun apa apa telefon bimbit yang ada wifi kan. But then again, kat tengah jalan mana ada free wifi, hahahaha. Now I forgot the things that I wanna write already! Darn it!
Went to Sarah's house last night. Man, she's crazy. The funny part is that me and her daddy ganged up on her! Ahahahahaha! Then I went back and tried to sleep, but there were too many things on my mind. I slept at 430am, thank you very much. I think this post is gonna be a bit merepek and.. berterabur. Hehehehehe..
I think, if you love someone and you don't wanna hurt them, don't do things that they don't like you to do. And if you really wanna do it, don't lie about it. Becuz the lie is gonna go on and on and on. It's like you'll be lying to cover up your ass, then lie again to cover up the first lie, and lie again to cover up the second lie.. It just won't stop! Until the other person finds out about it, then you're dead. So basically, if you know that the other person already know that you're lying, just tell the truth. Becuz trust me, you'd feel so damn stupid for lying to someone who already know that you're lying and you'll look stupid for lying to a person who already know that you're lying. Wait, am I making sense? I guess so. If not then mampos la, hahahaha!
Pejal said that is what it means be being in a relationship. You feel stupid for being lied to and your partner feels stupid for lying to you. But if you don't wanna feel stupid, then don't lie at all, right? But sometimes I think a relationship with too many rules and restrictions are hard to be in cuz rules are meant to be broken. Might as well just don't be in a relationship so that you won't hurt anyone, right? It's so complicated. It's supposed to be easy. When two people love each other, they'd do almost anything to make each other happy.
Words are just words. Some people like to say things they don't mean. They only say what they think other people want to hear. I don't really know why they do that, actually. Fine, maybe to jaga hati. But it's just the same when the other person finds out that you're lying, right? Why say something that you already know you won't do? Might as well just don't say anything at all. It hurts when someone puts your hopes up high, and crush it just like that. I think it's stupid, especially if the person who does that is someone you love. You say something to people, make sure you do it. Don't just simply say you're gonna this and that, in the end habuk pun tarak.
Sometimes you do a lot of things for people, but people don't actually appreciate it cuz they're too ignorant to notice anything. But, you also can't do something for someone and expect that someone to do something in return. Baik tak payah tolong if tak ikhlas. I hate people like that. Some people do things for other people and expect people to do things for them. Bodoh gila. Ugh, this kinda people always gets on my nerves.
Okay, I'm done crapping. Ngeh!
Went to Sarah's house last night. Man, she's crazy. The funny part is that me and her daddy ganged up on her! Ahahahahaha! Then I went back and tried to sleep, but there were too many things on my mind. I slept at 430am, thank you very much. I think this post is gonna be a bit merepek and.. berterabur. Hehehehehe..
I think, if you love someone and you don't wanna hurt them, don't do things that they don't like you to do. And if you really wanna do it, don't lie about it. Becuz the lie is gonna go on and on and on. It's like you'll be lying to cover up your ass, then lie again to cover up the first lie, and lie again to cover up the second lie.. It just won't stop! Until the other person finds out about it, then you're dead. So basically, if you know that the other person already know that you're lying, just tell the truth. Becuz trust me, you'd feel so damn stupid for lying to someone who already know that you're lying and you'll look stupid for lying to a person who already know that you're lying. Wait, am I making sense? I guess so. If not then mampos la, hahahaha!
Pejal said that is what it means be being in a relationship. You feel stupid for being lied to and your partner feels stupid for lying to you. But if you don't wanna feel stupid, then don't lie at all, right? But sometimes I think a relationship with too many rules and restrictions are hard to be in cuz rules are meant to be broken. Might as well just don't be in a relationship so that you won't hurt anyone, right? It's so complicated. It's supposed to be easy. When two people love each other, they'd do almost anything to make each other happy.
Words are just words. Some people like to say things they don't mean. They only say what they think other people want to hear. I don't really know why they do that, actually. Fine, maybe to jaga hati. But it's just the same when the other person finds out that you're lying, right? Why say something that you already know you won't do? Might as well just don't say anything at all. It hurts when someone puts your hopes up high, and crush it just like that. I think it's stupid, especially if the person who does that is someone you love. You say something to people, make sure you do it. Don't just simply say you're gonna this and that, in the end habuk pun tarak.
Sometimes you do a lot of things for people, but people don't actually appreciate it cuz they're too ignorant to notice anything. But, you also can't do something for someone and expect that someone to do something in return. Baik tak payah tolong if tak ikhlas. I hate people like that. Some people do things for other people and expect people to do things for them. Bodoh gila. Ugh, this kinda people always gets on my nerves.
Okay, I'm done crapping. Ngeh!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Tak Tahu What To Write For A Title
Hari nie saya takde duit. Jadi nyer, saya makan indomee goreng dan mee something tomyam jer untuk lunch. Sedih betul. Hahahahaha but it was good. Hafeez curi sikit, as always. He always steals my food. And coffee. And sweets. Everything la. Hahahaha! Sekarang Siti tengah gelak sorang sorang. Sometimes I think she's crazy. She always talks to herself, too. Hahahahaha!
I don't understand a lot of things right now. I need a logical explanation for it! It seems like everybody has been lying to me. Maybe becuz they're afraid of me, or maybe it's becuz they're just plain stupid. But yea, it's like I'm the idiot who falls for it every single time. No more la after this. Tired feeling stupid and getting upset about all this.
Had an awesoeme day yesterday. Played Snap kat Rasta. Thanks to Izyan, I went back with a red right hand. Hahaha! It was fun, laughed like shit!
It's so hard to trust people. Sigh.. I think I'm gonna have trust issues for the rest of my life.
I don't understand a lot of things right now. I need a logical explanation for it! It seems like everybody has been lying to me. Maybe becuz they're afraid of me, or maybe it's becuz they're just plain stupid. But yea, it's like I'm the idiot who falls for it every single time. No more la after this. Tired feeling stupid and getting upset about all this.
Had an awesoeme day yesterday. Played Snap kat Rasta. Thanks to Izyan, I went back with a red right hand. Hahaha! It was fun, laughed like shit!
It's so hard to trust people. Sigh.. I think I'm gonna have trust issues for the rest of my life.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Again and Again
I am addicted to eboutiques. Yess, I can't seem to stop browsing! Dah la takde duit, then tengok buat sakit hati jer. Hahahaha! I wanna buy all of the bajus bajus! I'm currently looking for a toga top or a toga dress, but takde yang santik. *disappointed*
And now I'm downloading oldies songs. Well, takde la oldies mana, mostly 80's la. So nice! And I downloaded the new Lady Gaga song. So nice! I think her songs are like Cascada's. All nice and catchy.
Now I'm so malas to do work. Phone is still barred. Damndamndamn. But for some weird reason, I don't feel like dying or whatever. See, I'm a phone person. I carry my phone everywhere I go. Even when I shower, hahaha! But now that my phone is barred, I don't feel anything. I don't feel the need to text or call anyone. Yesterday, even though I was bored out of my skull, I was fine. Had a nice time watching tv with my brother. Hehehehehe..
I don't understand how people can simply say things, you know. Words are just words. Actions speak louder than words. I only believe the things that I see. And some people tend to say that they understand bla bla bla but turns out that they don't. And they keep on asking why. And sometimes it really gets on my nerves. How about you people stop saying things you don't mean? It's a mean thing to do, getting other people's hopes up high and crush it. Sigh sigh.. But that's just how the world works, I think. If not, everything would be damn boring.
I miss Sarra. Feels like forever since I last saw her. She's always so busy now, with studies and bopreng. But I think for now I wanna stay single. I'm tired of relationship dramas. Tired of being jealous. Tired of not trusting the other partner. Right now I just wanna spend time with my friends and play taboo sampai mati. Ahahahaha! I think my friends are my life now. I don't know what I'd do without them.
I miss Nona, too! Lagi two weeks Nona nak balik! Weee! When she left to UK, I felt soooo alone. Ceyh, takde la alone mana pun. It's just that we spent almost everynight talking and bitching. Ahahaha! And when she left, macam.. Bosan. Damn.. But it's okay, she's coming back soon! Can't wait!
And now I'm downloading oldies songs. Well, takde la oldies mana, mostly 80's la. So nice! And I downloaded the new Lady Gaga song. So nice! I think her songs are like Cascada's. All nice and catchy.
Now I'm so malas to do work. Phone is still barred. Damndamndamn. But for some weird reason, I don't feel like dying or whatever. See, I'm a phone person. I carry my phone everywhere I go. Even when I shower, hahaha! But now that my phone is barred, I don't feel anything. I don't feel the need to text or call anyone. Yesterday, even though I was bored out of my skull, I was fine. Had a nice time watching tv with my brother. Hehehehehe..
I don't understand how people can simply say things, you know. Words are just words. Actions speak louder than words. I only believe the things that I see. And some people tend to say that they understand bla bla bla but turns out that they don't. And they keep on asking why. And sometimes it really gets on my nerves. How about you people stop saying things you don't mean? It's a mean thing to do, getting other people's hopes up high and crush it. Sigh sigh.. But that's just how the world works, I think. If not, everything would be damn boring.
I miss Sarra. Feels like forever since I last saw her. She's always so busy now, with studies and bopreng. But I think for now I wanna stay single. I'm tired of relationship dramas. Tired of being jealous. Tired of not trusting the other partner. Right now I just wanna spend time with my friends and play taboo sampai mati. Ahahahaha! I think my friends are my life now. I don't know what I'd do without them.
I miss Nona, too! Lagi two weeks Nona nak balik! Weee! When she left to UK, I felt soooo alone. Ceyh, takde la alone mana pun. It's just that we spent almost everynight talking and bitching. Ahahaha! And when she left, macam.. Bosan. Damn.. But it's okay, she's coming back soon! Can't wait!
How I Spent My Day
The funniest thing happened today. Yesterday my dad told me that he wants to go to work a bit late today cuz he had some dicussion meeting thing in the morning. So what i did was i woke up at 830am, showered and went back to sleep. Then i woke up at 1130am and wondered where the hell was my dad. And when i went down to ask my makcik, she said she told my dad i was having a fever. And my dad left me! So i slept again, ahahaha!
So the whole day today i didn't do anything productive. Went online.. Watched tv.. Online again.. sleep.. Lapar i went to Idaman to tapau food.. And now i'm online. Ahahaha!
I don't know why lately i've been so damn menyampah at this fake girl. I mean, it's not like she's finding faults with me. But she's so damn fake! And it makes me sick seeing her like that cuz she wasn't like that before. Now it seems like she's trying so damn hard to be the centre of attention. I hate fake people. Why would you wanna be someone you're not? That's just plain stupid. maybe it's just me. Hahahaha! But it's okay, it will go away soon.
My pc just got reformatted and everything is GONE! All the pictures! All the songs! Damnson! I so feel like crying. I mean, pictures man.. Waaaa! There's no way in hell i'm gonna get it back. Thank god I printed a few. hahaha. But still, it was memories man.. I just think it's sad. Pictures of people.. Of my two dead cats.. Sigh..
Today is not a good day for me. I think I get easily upset over the silliest things. But I can't help it. Sometimes I think that the world should change for me. Oh no.. I'm becoming my mommy! Ahahahaha! But if the thing masuk akal, then I'd change. But if it's stupid and irrelevant, then I wouldn't la kan. But sometimes it's so hard to meet up with ppl's expectations. Seems to me what I'm doing is never gonna be enough. Sometimes i feel like giving up. But sometimes I think it's worth something.
I think I need a shower. I stink.
So the whole day today i didn't do anything productive. Went online.. Watched tv.. Online again.. sleep.. Lapar i went to Idaman to tapau food.. And now i'm online. Ahahaha!
I don't know why lately i've been so damn menyampah at this fake girl. I mean, it's not like she's finding faults with me. But she's so damn fake! And it makes me sick seeing her like that cuz she wasn't like that before. Now it seems like she's trying so damn hard to be the centre of attention. I hate fake people. Why would you wanna be someone you're not? That's just plain stupid. maybe it's just me. Hahahaha! But it's okay, it will go away soon.
My pc just got reformatted and everything is GONE! All the pictures! All the songs! Damnson! I so feel like crying. I mean, pictures man.. Waaaa! There's no way in hell i'm gonna get it back. Thank god I printed a few. hahaha. But still, it was memories man.. I just think it's sad. Pictures of people.. Of my two dead cats.. Sigh..
Today is not a good day for me. I think I get easily upset over the silliest things. But I can't help it. Sometimes I think that the world should change for me. Oh no.. I'm becoming my mommy! Ahahahaha! But if the thing masuk akal, then I'd change. But if it's stupid and irrelevant, then I wouldn't la kan. But sometimes it's so hard to meet up with ppl's expectations. Seems to me what I'm doing is never gonna be enough. Sometimes i feel like giving up. But sometimes I think it's worth something.
I think I need a shower. I stink.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I can't believe I can't even last a day without Facebook. Terasa mcm takde life langsung, hahaha! I came to work this morning and I asked Siti, "I nak bukak internet buat apa kalau dah takde Facebook?". Hahahaha nampak sangat guna internet for Facebook! Whatever man..
Going to KLIA today to send Haizat off. It's gonna be sad. I hate airports. Used to love it cuz everytime me and my family went there to pick up my dad, he's gonna buy lots and lots of chocolates. Ahahaha! But then I hate it. Airport is a sad place. It's where people always leave. But it's a nice place to camwhore kan, ahahaha!
My nose is annoying me.
Going to KLIA today to send Haizat off. It's gonna be sad. I hate airports. Used to love it cuz everytime me and my family went there to pick up my dad, he's gonna buy lots and lots of chocolates. Ahahaha! But then I hate it. Airport is a sad place. It's where people always leave. But it's a nice place to camwhore kan, ahahaha!
My nose is annoying me.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Wee wee wee wee wee!
Helloooooooooooo.. I'm hungry. Siti went back so now there's no one to talk to. So damn bosan laaaaaaa.. Zul is not replying me on MSN! Thanks, Zul.. I'm so excited, we're all going to the zoo this weekend! Yeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Oh, btw. I'm done trying. So you can fuck off too, tee hee!
Oh, btw. I'm done trying. So you can fuck off too, tee hee!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
It's weird.
It's weird how people you thought you knew turns out to be someone so totally completely different. You don't expect that that side of them even exist in them.
It's weird that you thought that you knew the person, but actually you don't even know them at all.
It's weird how people tend to put the blame on you just to make themselves feel better.
It's weird how people make stories about you just to get sympathy from other people.
It's weird how people can turn other people against you just so that they can feel secure.
It's weird how people can bitch about you behind your back but never have the guts to say it to your face.
It's weird how people make themselves feel better by calling other people names.
It's weird how people make promises they can't keep.
It's weird how people hold onto their pride and ego and knowing that they are losing a lot.
It's weird how thin girls always call themselves fat (for real).
It's weird how people show off that they're rich, but it's not really their money kan. It's their parents' money. Damn fools.
It's weird how it is so hard for poeple to get over a person who broke their hearts.
It's weird how people don't find Richard Marx's voice sexy.
It's weird how people don't get the fact that the truth will always comes out.
It's weird how people tells other people that they love them, but they're not willing to go thru the hard times with them.
It's weird how people change.
It's weird how people cannot see my cats sampai boleh kena langgar.
It's so weird how people can make fun of other other people's faces. I mean, it's all God's given right. Why don't they make fun of God?
Man, I find this all very weird.
It's weird that you thought that you knew the person, but actually you don't even know them at all.
It's weird how people tend to put the blame on you just to make themselves feel better.
It's weird how people make stories about you just to get sympathy from other people.
It's weird how people can turn other people against you just so that they can feel secure.
It's weird how people can bitch about you behind your back but never have the guts to say it to your face.
It's weird how people make themselves feel better by calling other people names.
It's weird how people make promises they can't keep.
It's weird how people hold onto their pride and ego and knowing that they are losing a lot.
It's weird how thin girls always call themselves fat (for real).
It's weird how people show off that they're rich, but it's not really their money kan. It's their parents' money. Damn fools.
It's weird how it is so hard for poeple to get over a person who broke their hearts.
It's weird how people don't find Richard Marx's voice sexy.
It's weird how people don't get the fact that the truth will always comes out.
It's weird how people tells other people that they love them, but they're not willing to go thru the hard times with them.
It's weird how people change.
It's weird how people cannot see my cats sampai boleh kena langgar.
It's so weird how people can make fun of other other people's faces. I mean, it's all God's given right. Why don't they make fun of God?
Man, I find this all very weird.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
L o v e
Last weekend was crazy! Went to play pool on Saturday, and watched Bride Wars on Sunday. Well, supposedly la kan the plan is to go to the zoo. But Sarra couldn't make it on Saturday so we were thinking to go on Sunday kan. Tapi mcm tak ramai yang can follow, so we went to One U instead. Ada Mat Rock, Dila, Izyan and Sarra. We had lunch kat Delicious. Damn, the food is damn awesome! But it's a bit pricey. Whatever la kan.
Izyan has this new pose. Hahahahaha! Dayumn it's so annoying! She bats her eyelashes and besarkan lubang hidung. Nicely done, babe! Hahahahahahaha! Sarra got a pool lesson from Mat Rock. And now she's happy cuz she can play. Dulu kepoh gila said she doesn't know how to play and all. Tapi boleh jer sebenarnya. Dia saja gedik. Hehehehe.. But it was an awesome weekend, I had fun.
He had fun looking at chicks.
I need answers.
I'm like so bored doing work right now. Boleh tak kalau tanak buat apa apa and still get money? Sigh sigh sigh.. Oh, that reminds me. I have to buat my liscence. Hahahaha gila random. Whatever la.
I wanna play pool again! Pool is fun fun fun! Okay now I'm sleepy. Peace out yaw!
Izyan has this new pose. Hahahahaha! Dayumn it's so annoying! She bats her eyelashes and besarkan lubang hidung. Nicely done, babe! Hahahahahahaha! Sarra got a pool lesson from Mat Rock. And now she's happy cuz she can play. Dulu kepoh gila said she doesn't know how to play and all. Tapi boleh jer sebenarnya. Dia saja gedik. Hehehehe.. But it was an awesome weekend, I had fun.
He had fun looking at chicks.
I need answers.
I'm like so bored doing work right now. Boleh tak kalau tanak buat apa apa and still get money? Sigh sigh sigh.. Oh, that reminds me. I have to buat my liscence. Hahahaha gila random. Whatever la.
I wanna play pool again! Pool is fun fun fun! Okay now I'm sleepy. Peace out yaw!
Friday, January 30, 2009
B o r e d o m
I am pretty much bored right now cuz Sarra's out with Mr Turtle and everyone else is.. missing. Ahahaha so here I am, at home.. Online.. Watching TV. Gila takde life. But it's okay yaw. Tomorrow I will have a life! Going out with The Ginas to play pooool! I suck at pool, seriously. But it's fun. Hahahaha but I beat Dila at it the other day! Woot woot! *menyorok dari Dila*
So was browsing through Facebook, then I saw this super cool survey! Okay la takde la cool mana but since I'm bored kan, so everything is cool to me. Even counting ants is cool to me. But kalau kena marah with mommy tak cool la kan. So yea, here's the survey! I'm giving you an early warning, saya gila. So the survey might be a little bit merepek yer. I'm supposed to tag 25 people, but mana boleh tag kat sini kan, so yea.. Enjoy ;)
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
1. I am a pessimist. I know it's not good but yea, I cannot see any brightside of anything. Unless if the thing doesn't involve me. Then pandai la sikit jadi optimist ;)
2. I will forever love Sarra to death cuz she has always been there for me through good times and bad. Thanks babe! Walaupun sometimes kau bangang and laugh to almost everything that I say even when I was being serious, it's cool yaw.
3. I love unicorns and rainbows and sunshine and whatever. A bit childish, yea I know. But whatever la aku suka.
4. I hate hate hate hate hate liars. I can't stand them.
5. Music is my life. Can't live without it.
6. If I don't get married by the age of 30, I'm gonna buy a house and live there with 27 cats. Why 27 cats? I don't know. Ahahahahaha!
7. I've always wanted to be a nigga. I think they're cool. Sometimes I purposely go out in the sun just to get a bit gelap kan, but failed to succeed thanks to kulit saya yang tak reti reti ikut arahan suruh hitam sikit. I'd be red for a few hours and that's it. Thanks, kulit!
8. I am in love with shoes and bags and dresses :D Tetapi malangnya duit tak mengizinkan untuk beli.
9. I'm addicted to spicy food. I SUPER LOVE SPICY FOOD!
10. Everyday after work, I'd come back with ink stains on my hands. I don't know why.
11. Sarra is not fat.
12. Haizat is Mr Turtle.
13. Muzlifah is cantik.
14. At this point, I don't know what else to say.
15. Oh oh oh here's a weird fact about me. I tend to look at people's nose. Hahahahahahahaha! Like Sarra, she goes for eyes. But I go for nose. Cacat kan, I know. Hahahahahahahahaha!
16. I like to go dancing with my friends. Hahahahahaha okay.
17. I love love love love love food! I eat a lot but I never gain weight.
18. Sometimes I talk on the phone when I'm peeing.
19. I don't like people taking pictures of me. I mean.. It's okay if there's another person in the picture. Hahahahahahahahahaha I'm camera shy *buat muka malu tunduk tunduk cover dgn rambut*
20. I love physical pain. I know this sounds crazy but physical pain is G to the O to the O to the D! Last time lepas kena rotan, I'd count all the bekas kena rotan and pity myself.
21. I don't like to sit down. I prefer standing. Ahahahahahaha! I'm a very hyper person okay, I need to do something all the time!
22. I love money. But then again, who doesn't?
23. I am in love with BMW cars. Except for X6. I think it's fugly.
24. I'm a stalker, seriously and I'm proud to be one!
25. I love all of my friends :) Ahahaha nampak sangat dah tak tahu apa nak cakap kan! But it's true. I love all of my friends. Heeee :)
There you go. I'm bored. And I kinda smell like Haizat now. He and Sarra dropped by just now to do the thaaang that we do best. This is not good! No more huggie! I wanna smell like Sarra! I want! I want! I want!
So was browsing through Facebook, then I saw this super cool survey! Okay la takde la cool mana but since I'm bored kan, so everything is cool to me. Even counting ants is cool to me. But kalau kena marah with mommy tak cool la kan. So yea, here's the survey! I'm giving you an early warning, saya gila. So the survey might be a little bit merepek yer. I'm supposed to tag 25 people, but mana boleh tag kat sini kan, so yea.. Enjoy ;)
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
1. I am a pessimist. I know it's not good but yea, I cannot see any brightside of anything. Unless if the thing doesn't involve me. Then pandai la sikit jadi optimist ;)
2. I will forever love Sarra to death cuz she has always been there for me through good times and bad. Thanks babe! Walaupun sometimes kau bangang and laugh to almost everything that I say even when I was being serious, it's cool yaw.
3. I love unicorns and rainbows and sunshine and whatever. A bit childish, yea I know. But whatever la aku suka.
4. I hate hate hate hate hate liars. I can't stand them.
5. Music is my life. Can't live without it.
6. If I don't get married by the age of 30, I'm gonna buy a house and live there with 27 cats. Why 27 cats? I don't know. Ahahahahaha!
7. I've always wanted to be a nigga. I think they're cool. Sometimes I purposely go out in the sun just to get a bit gelap kan, but failed to succeed thanks to kulit saya yang tak reti reti ikut arahan suruh hitam sikit. I'd be red for a few hours and that's it. Thanks, kulit!
8. I am in love with shoes and bags and dresses :D Tetapi malangnya duit tak mengizinkan untuk beli.
9. I'm addicted to spicy food. I SUPER LOVE SPICY FOOD!
10. Everyday after work, I'd come back with ink stains on my hands. I don't know why.
11. Sarra is not fat.
12. Haizat is Mr Turtle.
13. Muzlifah is cantik.
14. At this point, I don't know what else to say.
15. Oh oh oh here's a weird fact about me. I tend to look at people's nose. Hahahahahahahaha! Like Sarra, she goes for eyes. But I go for nose. Cacat kan, I know. Hahahahahahahahaha!
16. I like to go dancing with my friends. Hahahahahaha okay.
17. I love love love love love food! I eat a lot but I never gain weight.
18. Sometimes I talk on the phone when I'm peeing.
19. I don't like people taking pictures of me. I mean.. It's okay if there's another person in the picture. Hahahahahahahahahaha I'm camera shy *buat muka malu tunduk tunduk cover dgn rambut*
20. I love physical pain. I know this sounds crazy but physical pain is G to the O to the O to the D! Last time lepas kena rotan, I'd count all the bekas kena rotan and pity myself.
21. I don't like to sit down. I prefer standing. Ahahahahahaha! I'm a very hyper person okay, I need to do something all the time!
22. I love money. But then again, who doesn't?
23. I am in love with BMW cars. Except for X6. I think it's fugly.
24. I'm a stalker, seriously and I'm proud to be one!
25. I love all of my friends :) Ahahaha nampak sangat dah tak tahu apa nak cakap kan! But it's true. I love all of my friends. Heeee :)
There you go. I'm bored. And I kinda smell like Haizat now. He and Sarra dropped by just now to do the thaaang that we do best. This is not good! No more huggie! I wanna smell like Sarra! I want! I want! I want!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Hello, world!
I am blogging. Call me corny, people! Hahahaha well, I used to blog a long long time ago. Zaman sekolah, I think. Or after also got but tak ingat, ahahahahaha! But hey, it's okay right? Hehehehe.. Anyways, a lot og things happened for the past few weeks. Good and bad. Heh. Hopefully this is NOT gonna be an emo blog or anything. Jyeah! I talk about random things, so bear with it. Hahahahahahaha!
Life is complicate, life is hard. But somehow I managed to get through every single obstacles. Hahaha thanks to my friends, especially Sarra. Always there to layan my kerenah kerenah tak betul yang boleh membuatkan seseorang itu terjun bangunan. But Sarra's still alive, so yea, hehehehe..
I miss Nona. Can't wait for her to come back. She's coming back in March, wee wee wee wee wee! Nona is my neighbour, by the way. The last time she came back, we hung out at her house at night almost every night! Hahaha it was fun bitching to her about stuffs. She's awesome, hehehe.
Relationship sucks ass. I wouldn't wanna be in a relationship anytime soon. What's the point of being in a relationship? I mean, it's all about heartbreak, heartache, lying, cheating, sneaking around, bla bla bla. Bottom line, relationship is a no no. Ngeh~
It's weird how people can change their minds just like that. It's like one minute you want this thing, and the next you don't want it anymore. I'm annoyed with people who do things and never think about the consequences. Unlike me, I don't think about the consequences but I know whenever I have to face it, I'd be ready for it. It's something that you have to deal with everytime you do something, kan. So even if you ignore it or keep it aside, sooner or later you're gonna have to deal with it anyways, so baik deal with it sekarang. KAN?!
Can't wait to go to hang out with the girls this weekend! Surprisingly, we are so damn close now. I think it's becuz all of us are single now, hehehehe! Well, most of us, that is. Sarra has Haizat, Muz has Masyo. I have.. Farah, Izyan, Sarah, Mei Ann, Putri.. Wahahaha damn it yaw I'm a playa! Well, I'm enjoying this while it last ;)
41 is performing in Singapore tomorrow night. Awesome!
I want a new cat! My cat died about.. a month ago I think. Dah la chomel gila. Manja gila. Horny gila. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Tabby I miss you :(

Life is complicate, life is hard. But somehow I managed to get through every single obstacles. Hahaha thanks to my friends, especially Sarra. Always there to layan my kerenah kerenah tak betul yang boleh membuatkan seseorang itu terjun bangunan. But Sarra's still alive, so yea, hehehehe..
I miss Nona. Can't wait for her to come back. She's coming back in March, wee wee wee wee wee! Nona is my neighbour, by the way. The last time she came back, we hung out at her house at night almost every night! Hahaha it was fun bitching to her about stuffs. She's awesome, hehehe.
Relationship sucks ass. I wouldn't wanna be in a relationship anytime soon. What's the point of being in a relationship? I mean, it's all about heartbreak, heartache, lying, cheating, sneaking around, bla bla bla. Bottom line, relationship is a no no. Ngeh~
It's weird how people can change their minds just like that. It's like one minute you want this thing, and the next you don't want it anymore. I'm annoyed with people who do things and never think about the consequences. Unlike me, I don't think about the consequences but I know whenever I have to face it, I'd be ready for it. It's something that you have to deal with everytime you do something, kan. So even if you ignore it or keep it aside, sooner or later you're gonna have to deal with it anyways, so baik deal with it sekarang. KAN?!
Can't wait to go to hang out with the girls this weekend! Surprisingly, we are so damn close now. I think it's becuz all of us are single now, hehehehe! Well, most of us, that is. Sarra has Haizat, Muz has Masyo. I have.. Farah, Izyan, Sarah, Mei Ann, Putri.. Wahahaha damn it yaw I'm a playa! Well, I'm enjoying this while it last ;)
41 is performing in Singapore tomorrow night. Awesome!
I want a new cat! My cat died about.. a month ago I think. Dah la chomel gila. Manja gila. Horny gila. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Tabby I miss you :(
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