Thursday, February 19, 2009


I can't believe I can't even last a day without Facebook. Terasa mcm takde life langsung, hahaha! I came to work this morning and I asked Siti, "I nak bukak internet buat apa kalau dah takde Facebook?". Hahahaha nampak sangat guna internet for Facebook! Whatever man..

Going to KLIA today to send Haizat off. It's gonna be sad. I hate airports. Used to love it cuz everytime me and my family went there to pick up my dad, he's gonna buy lots and lots of chocolates. Ahahaha! But then I hate it. Airport is a sad place. It's where people always leave. But it's a nice place to camwhore kan, ahahaha!

My nose is annoying me.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wee wee wee wee wee!

Helloooooooooooo.. I'm hungry. Siti went back so now there's no one to talk to. So damn bosan laaaaaaa.. Zul is not replying me on MSN! Thanks, Zul.. I'm so excited, we're all going to the zoo this weekend! Yeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

Oh, btw. I'm done trying. So you can fuck off too, tee hee!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's weird.

It's weird how people you thought you knew turns out to be someone so totally completely different. You don't expect that that side of them even exist in them.

It's weird that you thought that you knew the person, but actually you don't even know them at all.

It's weird how people tend to put the blame on you just to make themselves feel better.

It's weird how people make stories about you just to get sympathy from other people.

It's weird how people can turn other people against you just so that they can feel secure.

It's weird how people can bitch about you behind your back but never have the guts to say it to your face.

It's weird how people make themselves feel better by calling other people names.

It's weird how people make promises they can't keep.

It's weird how people hold onto their pride and ego and knowing that they are losing a lot.

It's weird how thin girls always call themselves fat (for real).

It's weird how people show off that they're rich, but it's not really their money kan. It's their parents' money. Damn fools.

It's weird how it is so hard for poeple to get over a person who broke their hearts.

It's weird how people don't find Richard Marx's voice sexy.

It's weird how people don't get the fact that the truth will always comes out.

It's weird how people tells other people that they love them, but they're not willing to go thru the hard times with them.

It's weird how people change.

It's weird how people cannot see my cats sampai boleh kena langgar.

It's so weird how people can make fun of other other people's faces. I mean, it's all God's given right. Why don't they make fun of God?

Man, I find this all very weird.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

L o v e

Last weekend was crazy! Went to play pool on Saturday, and watched Bride Wars on Sunday. Well, supposedly la kan the plan is to go to the zoo. But Sarra couldn't make it on Saturday so we were thinking to go on Sunday kan. Tapi mcm tak ramai yang can follow, so we went to One U instead. Ada Mat Rock, Dila, Izyan and Sarra. We had lunch kat Delicious. Damn, the food is damn awesome! But it's a bit pricey. Whatever la kan.

Izyan has this new pose. Hahahahaha! Dayumn it's so annoying! She bats her eyelashes and besarkan lubang hidung. Nicely done, babe! Hahahahahahaha! Sarra got a pool lesson from Mat Rock. And now she's happy cuz she can play. Dulu kepoh gila said she doesn't know how to play and all. Tapi boleh jer sebenarnya. Dia saja gedik. Hehehehe.. But it was an awesome weekend, I had fun.

He had fun looking at chicks.

I need answers.

I'm like so bored doing work right now. Boleh tak kalau tanak buat apa apa and still get money? Sigh sigh sigh.. Oh, that reminds me. I have to buat my liscence. Hahahaha gila random. Whatever la.

I wanna play pool again! Pool is fun fun fun! Okay now I'm sleepy. Peace out yaw!