Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Climb

Slow day at work today. Everyone still cuti. I'm so damn bored. Amir's gonna be off to Delhi today (kot.. tak ingat). Bosan nyaaaa! I'm sleepy. I'm tired. I'm hungry. I'm broke. I'm BORED!

Went to Zahier's house smlm. Ada open house. Satay was so damn awesome man! I ate 10 :D Amir looked so damn cute in his new black shirt. Nak sepak laju laju muka dia sampai mati.

Blogging is actually very weird cuz I'm typing out whatever I'm thinking of right now.

There's always gonna be another mountain~

Boleh mati kebosanan.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Wild World

1. People who wear hijab are nice people.

- Hmm well, not so true. Most of them are, I think. But some of them still talks bad about people. Still hold hands with their boyfriends. Still wears tight clothes. I mean, you wear hijab because your religion says you have to wear it. But I don't see the point if you wear it and still doing all this bad things. But bottom line, it still comes back to as long as you mind your own business, then it's fine. AND you can't force someone to wear hijab because if you do, they'd be wearing for you, not for God.

2. People who take drugs and drink are bad people

- I don't think they are. I the things that they do are between them and God. If they are good to their family and friends, then they're fine. As long as they are nice to people and mind their own business, it's fine.

3. OD is normal for people who drink.

- I don't think so. For first timers, it is normal because they don't know their limits yet. But if you purposely drink until you overdosed, then that is NOT normal. Unless if you have problems and you're trying to drink them away. But you see, problems are always gonna be there until you settle them. Even if you overdosed for 5 days straight, your problems are NOT going to get solved. Oh, girls, if you're planning to get like reeeeeally drunk, make sure you wear pants :)

4. There's nothing wrong in partying.

- Yeap, I agree. But if you party with random strangers, and get wasted and check in some cheap motel with a stranger, then that is totally wrong. But if you wanna party with people you know and trust, then that's okay because you know that you are in good hands :) And if you're planning to go on a party and get high, make sure you bring your own money to get your stuffs. Don't borrow people's money and act like you forgot all about it. And if you wanna have a party at a club, make sure you have enough money to buy the booze, not ask for money from someone you just met. Things might get reeeeally messy if you don't pay them back. Who knows they might just come banging on your door and ask you to pay them back.

5. People learn from their mistakes.

- Correcto. It's something that you HAVE to do after you've done something wrong. Learn from your mistakes. Don't repeat them ever again. Be a better person. I know someone who made a mistake. He got punished really bad for it. But now he's a much better person. He learned from his mistakes. He doesn't repeat them anymore and I respect him for that. But others, well let's just say they never learn. Keep on doing it. Orang kata tak serik serik la kan.

6. People don't change for the better, they change for the worse.

- Hmm, I don't agree with that. You have two options, either to be better or to be worse than you already are. Ones with brains would choose to change for the better. Why would you wanna be worse than you already are?

7. If you have a problem with someone, it's better to say tell them face to face other than posting it on Myspace or Facebook or Friendster or whatnot.

- I agree and disagree. Depends on people. If the person who you have a problem with is the type who sits and listen, the it's okay because you know whatever you say to her will actually stick in their brains. But if the person cries or babble when you're talking to them or talk on the phone while you're waiting for their response, then I don't think talking face to face would be such a good idea.

8. Karma says, "What goes around comes around".

- True. Karma has a way of getting to you when you least expects it. If you believe in karma, you wouldn't do things to people. You would treat people like how you want to be treated. Dont simply say you believe in karma just because it's something cool to say. Karma says what goes around comes around. People who believe in karma they treat people like how they wanna be treated. Some people just like to say that they believe in karma, but the truth is they don’t. Some might believe in it just becuz other people believe in it but they don’t actually know jack about karma. If a person believes in karma, they wouldn’t cheat on their boyfriend or girlfriend becuz they know it’s wrong and karma WILL catch up on them (kalau betul they believe in karma la). They wouldn’t treat the person they love like a slave, asking them to do this and that. They wouldn’t throw things at their loved one when they’re angry. They wouldn’t talk about their bestfriends behind their backs. They wouldn’t create false stories about other people just to feel good about themselves. To all ‘karma believers’, let me tell you you the REAL meaning of karma. Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. Karma is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward, karma simply deals with what is. The effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to others. So, do you really believe in karma?

9. Say what you mean. Mean what you say.

- Some people only know how to say things, but they don't really mean. In other words, 'talk cock no action' or 'cakap tak serupa bikin'.

10. Once a liar, always a liar

- Why do you think people lie? Is because they have something to hide? Or they lie so that they'd feel good about themselves? Or they wanna get out of a difficult situation? I think there are a lot of reasons to lie. You lie because you don't wanna hurt other people's feelings. You lie because you're afraid if the truth comes out, people are gonna hate you. You lie because you wanna feel good about yourself. You lie because you wanna cover something up. A lot of reasons. BUT if you lie to a person when the proof is already right in front of their eyes, then you can proudly call yourself an idiot.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Fake people really annoys me. There are actually a lot of types of fake people.

Some of them are ones who will act nice in front of you but will bitch about you behind your back.

Some of them compliments other people just to get close to them. They'd go like, "OMG babe, lawa gila rambut you!", "Babe, you kurus la I jealous gila!", "Babe, kenapa you lawa sangat nie, I rasa malu la nak jalan sebelah you!". Makes me wanna puke.

Some of them even create stories about themselves just so that people will look up to them. Gila ah. Psycho nak mampos.

Some of them will pretend like they're rich and all that tapi sebenarnya takde duit pun.

Some of them try to act cute so that they will attract other people's attention. Tapi tak cute pun. Aaaaa geli la.

There are a lot of things I wanna say about fake people, but seriously takde mood ah now. Geli geli geli!!